‘Vaccine’ Deaths, Protests and Global Fascism

Update 5th of March 2021

1265 Killed, 25,212 Harmed by experimental covid ‘vaccines’


“Vaccine” deaths & injury updates from official reporting systems (therefore underreported (1% to 10% deaths and injuries reported only), censored and curtailed) and non-official reporting systems we know of.

You are very welcome to inform us about any system we could add here. Thank you.   



Today in the world millions are suffering and will suffer for life and tens of thousands have died from the bio-weapons masquerading as ‘vaccines’ forced on populations by criminal governments and corporations.

Make no mistake, we are talking about planned genocides and major crimes against Humanity and the world will not rest until all the criminals involved have paid for their crimes.

And this is only the visible face of the iceberg as official reporting systems make sure to never report more than 1% to 10% of the real numbers of deaths and injuries.

From the US CDC VAERS database. For Europe numbers, see below.

Update: 5/03/2021

For the UK, the numbers are:

402 people killed, of which 197 killed by the Pfizer/Biontech mRNA experimental injections (not vaccines but gene therapies tested live on human beings) and 205 killed by the Oxford-Astrazeneca concoction.

Of note, the Oxford-Astrazeneca concoction which came on the market much later than the mRNA ‘ genetic treatment’ from Pfizer is killing and harming many more people in a shorter amount of time. But, it doesn’t seem to bother the MHRA and the fascist British mock of a government.

Details here:


Compared to the tens of millions of covid RNA injections performed, these numbers might look relatively small. Compared to the amount of (supposed) covid deaths, too (although not really if compared to the real numbers).

But compared to the standards for safe medical products, these numbers are shocking.

The comments above came originally from https://swprs.org/ and were reinterprated in light of what is really going on, because this is wrong.

What kind of drug would stay on the market after having killed more than a thousand people and harmed more than 25 000?

What kind of sick world, indifferent people and criminal leaders allow this to happen?

Moreover, little is still known about the long-term safety profile of experimental RNA vaccines.  

Back in 2009/2010, it took one year for the public to learn about neurological damages caused by swine flu vaccine adjuvants.

These figures are an underestimate, as vaccine reporting systems typically cover only a fraction of adverse events. Source. https://swprs.org/. The full article can be consulted here: https://swprs.org/covid-rna-vaccines-close-to-1000-post-vaccination-deaths/

We agree with this one, the guinea pigs who accept to get injected by the untested, unnaproved (only ‘authorized’ for emergency by corrupt officials who are part of the scam) don’t have a clue of what they are being injected with.

mRNA technologies are not vaccines and have never been properly tested on humans, but animals and humans died during trials.

And again, less than 1% of deaths and adverse events are reported. The numbers are likely ten to hundred times higher.

The merit of the https://swprs.org/ article is to provide the 3 main sources for the (underestimated) numbers, the US CDC VAERS , its equivalent in the UK, the MHRA and the EU EUDRA.

The EUDRA is at the image of the EU, useless, dictatorial, ultra-bureaucratic, unreadable and misleading and therefore doesn’t give any valuable information. In short a tool that would have been used in the USSR to hide the truth real numbers.

However, the UK MHRA is more practical. In this database we learn that 120 people killed by the Astrazeneca ‘vaccine’, 104 killed by the Pfizer/Biontech mRNA concoction and 1 from an undetermined source. 225 deaths reported by mRNA injection in the UK.

It also gives the option to export results on pdf files, downloadable below:


Mathematical Experts In France Show Pandemic Death Rate Just ‘Average’

ER Editor: All-cause mortality is the benchmark to illustrate a pandemic according to many experts we’ve encountered. A pandemic should show up, therefore, in an unusually high number of deaths for that year. But for many countries, it simply isn’t the case. Here are a couple of charts and numbers from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) in the UK:

The French expert cited below, Prof. Bernard Beauzamy, produced an equivalent graph for France from the beginning of 2016-2020 found here:

*translation: Monthly deaths France (INSEE)


We checked at the end of 2020 and the numbers were also lower or the same than previous years.



Protesters demonstrate against vaccine coercion, green passports in Tel Aviv

Speakers and protestors called for more government transparency, and to stop tyranny

Israelis protest the government’s COVID-19 vaccination campaign in Tel Aviv, Feb. 24, 2021.

Demonstrators gathered in Tel Aviv on Wednesday to protest against forced vaccination and the green passport program, which allows vaccinated individuals and recovered COVID-19 patients to take part in certain activities, including attending mass gatherings.

Among the speakers at the rally, which drew a crowd in the hundreds, were lawyer Oren Pasternak, the main organizer of the event, and Tamir Hefatz, a founder of Higayon Habari (Common Sense Model). Arieh Avni, founder of the Rapeh (Only Health) Party was also present, as were some of the party’s candidates.

Speakers and protestors alike called for more “government transparency,” and to “stop tyranny.” The protesters demanded that the government remove a 30-year embargo on the details of the Constitution Committee’s meetings on coronavirus restrictions and cancel the green passport initiative, which they say leads to a two-tier system within Israeli society: a privileged “vaccinated class” and an lower class of those who can’t get the vaccine, or don’t want to.

One large sign held by members of the crowd read “apartheid” in English and Hebrew in bold next to a green passport. Another large sign equated green passports with the tattooed arms of former Auschwitz-Birkenau prisoners.

One speaker invoked the memory of his great aunt, saying she was killed by the “exact same kind of people” who are today placing restrictions on movement, saying that “the people are tired of medical oppression.”


Netanyahu, a known felon who should be in jail, yet still in power trying to emulate Adolf Hitler and the South Africa Apartheid’ s regime at the same time.

The ‘vaccine’ ID’s were the plan all along, to enforce yet another level of control, violation of people’s rights, privacy, freedom and dignity, using a lab created ‘virus’ to do so and to destroy democracy and the world economy to pave the way for an ultra fascist system designed by psychopaths and murderers for their sole benefits.

These people and the corrupt politicians who serve them like docile little dogs are criminals, criminals against humanity, and one way or another, they will pay for their crimes, will it be in a court of law or by popular justice remains to be seen.

Lawyers Promise ‘Nuremberg Trials’ Against All Behind COVID Scam

Soon will we see Bill Gates, Biden, Netanyahu, Fauci, Turdeau, Merkel, Johnson, Macron, Schwab and many others queuing for death penalty for their crimes against humanity?

Published on February 24, 2021 Written by Jean-Michel Grau

Right now, a second Nuremberg tribunal that is in preparation, with a class action lawsuit being set up under the aegis of thousands of lawyers worldwide behind the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal manipulated by the Davos Forum.

In this respect, it is worth recalling that Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And it is this same lawyer who succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise.

According to Reiner Fuellmich, all the frauds committed by German companies are derisory compared to the damage that the Covid-19 crisis has caused and continues to cause.

This Covid-19 crisis should be renamed the “Covid-19 Scandal” and all those responsible should be prosecuted for civil damages due to manipulations and falsified test protocols. Therefore, an international network of business lawyers will plead the biggest tort case of all time, the Covid-19 fraud scandal, which has meanwhile turned into the biggest crime against humanity ever committed.

A Covid-19 commission of enquiry has been set up on the initiative of a group of German lawyers with the aim of bringing an international class action lawsuit using Anglo-Saxon law.

Here is the summarized translation of the last communication of Dr. Fuellmich of 15/02/2021: https://principia-scientific.com/lawyers-promise-nurember-trials-against-all-behind-covid-scam/

Good news from Germany, thanks to Tony:

German Court in Weimar Declares Lockdown Unconstitutional

Of course they are, they are even illegal.


Whistleblower Video Footage of Forced COVID Vaccines in German Nursing Homes Goes Public – Is this Homicide or Worse?

from the Liberty Beacon

ER Editor: See our earlier report from Feb.16 on the legal work being prepared by German lawyers Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Viviana Fischer, Whistleblower from Berlin Nursing Home: the Terrible Death after Vaccination. This report gave a detailed account of the conditions under which elderly residents are being vaccinated according to a care home observer, leading these lawyers to suspect that coercion is being employed, and worse.

Here we have disturbing video footage showing an example of what care home vaccination practices look like.

Whistleblower – 25% of Residents in German Nursing Home Died After Pfizer Vaccine

‘The video contains de-identified footage from the nursing home, where a team of three or four people, including a soldier in uniform, vaccinate residents, in many cases using force. The footage is troubling as it shows some people resisting the shots, being vaccinated nonetheless.’


In Dutch nursing home, two thirds of residents test positive for COVID after vaccination

22 of the 106 elderly residents died within two weeks of getting vaccinated.

Whistleblower: 8 of 31 Residents Dead in German Nursing Home After They Were Forcibly Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA COVID Shots Against Their Will

Since that interview was published, other whistleblowers in Germany who work in nursing homes have also stepped forward, some with video footage showing residents being held down and vaccinated against their wish.

One of the most disturbing things about what these whistleblower videos reveal, according to Attorney Fuellmich, is that now they are getting more and more calls from other whistleblowers in nursing homes, in Germany and around the world, where they are reporting the same things.

Attorney Fuellmich is not afraid to state exactly where this evidence leads us:

    It means that people are dying because of the vaccines.

    What we are seeing in this video clip is worse than anything we ever expected.

    If this is representative for what’s going on in the other nursing homes, and in other countries, then we have a very serious problem.

    And so do the people who make the vaccines, so do the people who administer the vaccines.

    It looks more and more as though we’re dealing with homicide, and maybe even murder.

Comment of the day by Aaron:

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant.”

Maximilien Robespierre

When ignorance is the norm, then we know we live in tyranny…

Comment of the day from Jacob:


Jacob5 hours ago

People who comply to every insane demands, from masks to lockdowns, to curfews, who accept to be injected by poison just to ‘go back to normal’ (which, by the way will not happen) are not only weak, vile, cowards and ignorant, they also shouldn’t be called human beings, because they are lower than worms.

The worst people are the Israelis who get injected. They should know better, they allegedly swore to never let that happen again! And what are they doing now?

they are told: undress and take a shower in Netanyahu new Auschwitz, and they undress and take a shower. This time, they won’t be exterminated on the spot (it will take more time) but they will get their yellow badges again!

Soon, we will have death camps for the free, smart and decent human beings who refuse to be marked like beasts.

I have more respect for any other living form, including worms than for people who have been given a conscience and choose to use their asses to think instead!

Global Apartheid: With Sabbatian-Ruled Israel Leading The Way

David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast – Please Share

The full subscriber’s videocast can be viewed every Friday at 7pm …

Click here to sign up:


Israeli fears a new Holocaust is coming – Shai Dannon talks with David Icke about the horrific tyranny that ‘Covid’ Israel has become for Jews that won’t comply

Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Israeli lawyer Tamir Turgal about ‘vaccinating’ Israel


97 thoughts on “‘Vaccine’ Deaths, Protests and Global Fascism”

  1. Yes israel is a fascit regime of the worst kind as it has shown countless times.
    And yes, the model of the criminals at the head of this fascist state are nazi germany and hitler.

    What scum like netanyahu have done with the forced jabbing of the population is exactly what nazi doctors did to jews and others in death camps.

    Not counting the ongoing genocide of palestinians and the war crimes committed by these criminals since decades.

    pyschopaths like netanyahu and his puppetmasters should be excuted in public squares fro crimes against humanity!

    No wonder after all the evil they have done, the all world is against them


  2. You can’t convince people who believe they know because they saw, read or heard it on controlled media.

    I see people doubting now after one year of lies and deceits, but I am afraid a lot of them are such cowards that they’d rather obey and fall into complete serfdom rather than fight, even for their kids.

    As for those who know best, the TV parrots ‘experts’, sunday virologists who wear face nappies even in their car, don’t bother with these lunatics, they’re gone since a long time. They are the establishment useful idiots, the pillars of the new fascist regimes.

    Don’t listen tot them, don’t even try to explain them anything, you can’t reason with supersitious fanatics. They’ll die with a face diaper crawling under their bed because ‘there is a paaaaaaaandemiiiiiic!”

    Liked by 1 person

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