Hang’Em All

Hang the Fear Mongers too. For a non exhaustive list of traitors to hang, see below:

Stop The “Treaty”

The first WHO director, Brock Chisholm stated their agenda in 1954:

“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”

George Brock Chisholm, September 11, 1954

The WHO, a criminal organization, has been created with this purpose in mind: using manufactured health ‘crisis’ to undermine and destroy nations sovereignty while depopulating the planet and serving as vax pushers for big pharma mass murderers. This is probably why, very weirdly, they gave the WHO a ‘constitution’, for exactly the moment we are living, to try to supersede our constitutions by theirs. 

We shall have world government whether or not you like it, by conquest or consent.”

Statement by Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member James Warburg on February 17th, 1950

It’s been their goal for a very long time, and last week the ‘world government’ summit (sic) took place, where all the globalist criminal organizations behind the manufactured pandemic (WEF, UN, WHO...) were represented to vomit their evil plans. Who ever voted for this? Who do these scumbags think they are?


Here we are:

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has proposed a global treaty which would tie member nations to WHO public health mandates ahead of the national sovereignty and constitutions of individual countries. #StopTheTreaty

First Open Letter on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

The World Council for Health opposes the World Health Organisation’s moves to implement a power grab in the form of a global pandemic.

#StopTheWHOTreaty #StopTheTreaty

The resistance and awareness of this power grab disguised as a ‘treaty’is mounting worldwide, but most people haven’t even heard of it. The time has come to spread the message and fight the power grab.


#SouthAfrica #stopthetreaty Cyril is pushing for this against all #SouthAfricans regardless of vax status, race or political affiliation. @CyrilRamaphosa #NoToHealthActAmendment

Online platforms overwhelmed as citizens reject bid to extend disaster rule through health regulations

The WHO has no place controlling the public health policy of our country or any other country. The last thing we need is MORE corrupt, unaccountable bureaucrats holding control over our sovereignty and our freedoms.



Awaken India Movement: ! #WHO_QUITINDIA –  #StopTheTreaty This is all part of the NWO Agenda!

Gather around and be a force to reckon with – We need to forge a PEACE INITIATIVE to counter the violence of government sponsored tyrannies- LET’S DO IT – #WHO_QUITINDIAWHO-Get-Out-Of-India

We Must Act to #StopTheTreaty “The proposed WHO agreement is unnecessary, and is a threat to sovereignty and inalienable rights. The World Council for Health has issued an open letter on the WHO proposed pandemic treaty, to oppose this power grab…”


WHO is asking for @WHO’s opinion? Hey Ted here’s a message for u…  #WHO_QuitIndia!  #StopTheTreaty!  Step Back and Stop this Nonsense. Put an end to feeding off fear and vaxcination propaganda. There r NO WAVES!  There’s only #PlandemicCov1984



Stephen Donnelly (a #McKinseyGate puppet) has his pen ready to sign away our #Democracy in May with the #WHOPandemicTreaty.  

Next time they call a ‘pandemic’ all #Sovereignty dissolves. #StopTheTreaty #NWO #McKinsey .

Remember, they did the same in 2010 with the so-called Lisbon ‘treaty’ (the EUSSR mock ‘constitution’). The Irish voted NO to the Lisbon ‘treaty’ but their rotten politicians cancelled the vote (illegaly) and reorganized rigged elections to obtain a yes! This time, they won’t even let them vote!


Always trying against small nations first, this is how the globalist vermin operates (EUSSR, IMF & co) like they did in 2013 against Cyprus by stealing money directly from citizens’ bank accounts.

African Coalition to Stop the Treaty Telegram:



One of the solutions? Exit the criminal WHO!

Exit the WHO now | 3 WCH experts discuss with Wayne Peters

The WHO, who are they: a-cautionary-tale-about-the-who

Three leaders from the World Council For Health’s Legal Action Committee with Wayne Peters of Whats Up Canada.

World Council For Health leaders speak out against the WHO’s deception and abuse of humanity. All nations, and all peoples should insist on exiting and de-funding the WHO.

Stopping the W.H.O. Power Grab Pandemic Preparedness Treaty/Agreement. Interview with What’s Up Canada.

Please join us. Together we will free ourselves, our world, and future generations from the abusive dictatorship and dark plans of the WHO.

Exit the WHO. This is not a spectator sport

“The work is great but the workers are few.”

Dr Mark Trozzi
Online Covid-19 Workplace Preparedness | Pretoria. Many people know that the covid agenda is evil. 

They are trying not to take the shot, make the best of their current situation, and are a little relieved when the authoritarian boot standing on their human rights lightens up a little. 
When some “covid restrictions” are loosened, they get out and enjoy a little taste of life BC (before covid). 

They might even get to walk down a street without a muzzle on their face, or go into a store without proving that they have submitted to unsafe and ineffective experimental genetic injections. More states lift mask mandates and Covid restrictions
Their critical thinking is intact. These people know that Fauci, Gates, Tedros, Schwab, Trudeau, Freeland, Tam, and others are wicked. 

They know that these villains are deeply committed to premeditated and orchestrated, poisoning and enslaving of us all. 

We’ve been living like slaves for two years already over a fake pandemic , false statistics, and misleading PCR tests, culminating in deadly forced injections. All of this was imposed by the cursed WHO.
These smart folks also know that there are some really good people, who sacrifice and risk everything personal, to tell the truth and stop this tyranny. They stand against enemy occupied governments and institutions. 

They fight with everything they have for the restoration of our human rights, including our right to life.  The smart people who are trying not to take the shot, admire and are grateful for the valiant truth tellers and activist. They hope and pray that their champions will win; but therein lies the problem.

“The work is great but the workers are few.”

Across the board, we need more people to become very active in this battle of our lives.
Everyone, whether you realize it or not, has everything on the line in this war. If the criminal covid enterprise completes their agenda, we enter a very dark age. 

The covid criminals’ plans involve most of us dying and the rest being modified, micro-chipped and enslaved. 

This is why the most aware scientists, doctors , lawyers, journalists, activists, and others, are fighting with such fervor. We know that everything is on the line. None of us can keep anything including our basic human rights, if we do not turn this around.

A small percentage of the people who understand the evil agenda are fighting like our lives depend on it (which they do), but this is not enough. 

Everyone’s life depends on this. Every future life depends on this.

What to do? Where to start? What’s the current action?

Stop the World Health Organization!

The World Health Organization, under the rule of the Evil Dr Tedros has become a weapon being used against us. The WHO is currently very active conjuring more power over your life and our nations. Here are Dr Rob Verkerk insights on the WHO’s “Pandemic Preparedness Treaty” – a plan to end every human’s authority over their own body.

How do we stop the WHO?

The first big step is to exit the WHO.

At every level, in communication with every authority, with every politician, and at the heart of every election and debate: we must insist on exiting the WHO.

That includes stopping all funding to this criminal organization, and eliminating the WHO from our countries.

WHO director Tedros and others are extreme criminals. Justice should see them arrested or lawfully shot.

tedros, (not even a medical doctor), one of bill gates puppets is a long term criminal, former executive of a terrorist group, he also committed crimes vs humanity in his country Ethiopia, ordering the murder and torture of political opponents and suspected of genocide.
The first and cleanest move to stop them is us rising up in all nations and insisting that our country exercise our sovereignty, and exit the WHO. 

The WHO scoundrels will produce  paperwork claiming that we can not; claiming broad authority over our lives and our countries; but we must tell them that they can shove any treaties or contracts which they think give them authority over our nations and our lives. 

We declare our sovereignty. We reject their claims of authority.

Action: Promote this document

Here is the key brief document to study and promote (OPEN LETTER).

This document and the links within it provide a robust understanding of the current moves that the WHO is making to complete their choke hold on mankind: their so-called “Pandemic Preparedness Treaty or Agreement”.

Please share this document far and wide.

  1. Write to your members of federal, and provincial or state governments to enlighten them about the wicked WHO.
  2. Demand an urgent exit and complete defunding of the WHO.

This document is part of our urgent first steps to save ourselves, and stop the WHO.

Do you want to learn more?

Here are Dr Rob Verkerk insights on the WHO’s “Pandemic Preparedness Treaty” which is a plan to end every human’s authority over our own bodies and lives, in the name of “health”.

Who is WHO director Tedros?

What is his past? He’s not even a medical doctor. How did he become the director of the WHO?

In this video, Keean Bexte from Rebel News reveals five little known and alarming facts about Dr. Tedros, the current head of the World Health Organization (the WHO). It is good for us all to be aware of Tedros’ questionable history, because the policies of the WHO widely and directly affect countries within the UN.

The WHO ‘pandemic treaty’ – a backdoor to global governance

We Must Act to #StopTheTreaty

About responsibility, by Julian Rose. One of the reasons why we, in the West, find ourselves surrounded by hostile institutions infested with infiltrated parasistes from criminal syndicates like the WEF, the CFR, the Bilderberg, or secret societies like the freemasons is because we have chosen to refuse to assume our responsibilities. Therefore, power hungry sociopaths and human scum grabbed what we didn’t want.

To take back our power from these criminals, we must take responsabilities!

Responsible Freedom

By Julian Rose

The chaos we see around us every day is not arbitrary chaos. It is organized chaos.

It results from the fact that almost no one wants to take responsibility for their own lives and for the larger life of the planet and the biosphere.

Therefore, those whose desire is to control – fill the vacuum.

Everyone wants someone else to ‘take responsibility.’

  • Imagine: take responsibility for the way food is produced, for your health and the health of planetary ecosystems.

Suddenly, no shopping at the supermarket. Supermarkets destroy food, the environment, the soil in which food is grown, and human health. All because – like all global corporations – they put profit and power ahead of people, ecology and the well-being of all living things.

So no more supermarket shopping – what’s next?

  • Take a responsible stand on EMF/RMF pollution – and suddenly – no cell phone!

Radiating yourself and those around you with electromagnetic waves is designed to ensure the continued deterioration of the health of all concerned – including the environment in which we live. There are thousands of peer-reviewed scientific publications supporting this thesis.

  • Adopt a responsible attitude toward healthy living? The list is too long, but let’s start with reducing dependence on pharmaceuticals. Big Pharma is the richest killer in the world. Do we want to support it and kill ourselves at the same time?
  • Take a responsible position towards the leadership of your country – and suddenly you are amazed to find that no one meets the criteria needed for wise and responsible leadership.

They are all power-hungry careerists.

And so on, and so forth…

Declare Your Independence!

Profit outside the rigged system! Protect yourself from tyranny and economic collapse. Learn to live free and spread peace! The chaos we see around us has – more than most people would like to admit – a lot to do with ourselves. We are addicted to ‘passing the buck’.

So what do we do when there is an actual loss of what we call ‘our basic freedoms’ – our customary way of life?

We curse the government we ourselves elected – and demand another. This ‘other’ is always worse than the previous one. Have you noticed? And yet we keep dreaming – it MUST be better.

It is this – our delusional state of mind – that allows criminals to reach the highest positions of power.

It is so easy for them. They see that very few want to take responsibility for their lives – for life – so they fill that vacuum.

And then suddenly war breaks out. Everyone is desperately trying to figure out – who is responsible for this war?

They find every possible answer except the one that says: ‘we are’.

We who have turned away from taking responsibility for the life we inherited on this planet.

Julian Rose is a an organic farmer, writer and international activist. He is co-founder of The Hardwick Alliance for Real Ecology (HARE) and President of the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside: www.julianrose.info

As every week, free people are fighting against the global enslavement agenda, they are fighting for them, for their children but also for those who do nothing, for those who submit blindly, for those who, even cooperate with their own enslavement and destruction. They take responsibility, the act, they investigate, the expose the lies and spread the truth. They also show their strength to the oppressors and send them a strong message: We are the People, we are stronger and more numerous than you, you are still alive because we spared your lives until now!

Starting with The Island of Corsica and France as the coming elections will have an important impact on the future depending how they unfold.


Protests in Ajaccio, the mobilization doesn’t weaken. New incidents with the police.

French state assassin!

Ajaccio, Corsica’s fighting macron’s SS with Molotov cocktails. The only language they understand.

Corsica – Justice for Yvan Colonna! Yvan Colonna, a shepherd, was jailed for the alleged murder of a prefect in 1998. He always proclaimed his innocence and asked to be repatriated to Corsica to do his time in his country. He was assassinated by an islamic terrorist in a French jail.   Since then, Corsica has been on fire.

The independence movements even warned they could resume ‘operations’  (guerrilla war) against macron’s regime. 

Corsica – Justice for Yvan Colonna!


Hundreds of towns and cities are fighting against the dictatorship all over France for the 38th week now. Next Sunday April 10, the first round of the French presidential elections will take place. The most hated ‘president’ of all times, small time dictator and globalist puppet macron will try to rig the vote to stay in power. If he does rig the elections, civil war might follow.

The country is a powder keg, since  2018 now, from Corsica to Paris, from the political right to the left, old and young and even the four branches (land, air, sea and gendarmerie) of the French army are ready to act!

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the towns and cities demonstrating against macron’s fascist regime.

Demos in Belgium and Switzerland

This Saturday, the International Covid Summit took place in Massy (Paris area), France. Scientists, doctors, lawyers, freedom fighers gathered to denounce the current coup and propose solutions to fight it back.

MASSY (91) – 02/04/22 – 11h/18h – Sommet scientifique et international citoyen.

Excerpt declaration from the doctors participating to the International Covid Summit in Massy: Pr Perronne, Dr Fouché, Dr Ochs, Dr Henrion- Caude, Dr Robert Malone … #Resistance (In French and English).

And the weekly demos in Paris and all over the country…

The crowd arrives and already chants “#McKinsey give back the money”! French want drastic changes and quick!

Taking responsibility: Yellow vests invade rothschild Headquarters to demand answers about #RothschildGate – A must see video (French).

What is the #RothschildGate fraud and tax evasion scandal?

Macron negotiated contracts with Nestle and mass murderers pfizer when he was working for rothschild. He got huge commissions which he didn’t declare (this is illegal). rothschild paid these occult commissions to macron in offshore accounts (illegal).  What were the deal given to pfizer who made billions thanks to macron’s fraud? Macron was caught for the same type of crooked practices with the #AlstomGate and McKinseyGate scandals.

macron, former employee of the rothschild VERMIN. In fact macron never left rothschild , he still works for them, against France and its citizens. #RothschildGate

Not mentionning the sudden drowning of #IsabelleFerreira when she was about to reveal new compromising information on the macron couple and BrigitteGate #JeanMichelTrogneux scandal. See there for details.

What is McKinseyGate?

A detailed explanation of macron’s fraud and corruption (as investigated by the French Senate and others) in the article below:

French Senate investigations and reports:

Yellow Vest demonstrates against macron fascist regime, the ‘great reset’ agenda, manufactured hyperinflation, the fake pandemic and the remaining dictates (vax passports, forced injections, etc…).

Yellow Vests brought a poster to a protest in Paris showing macron eyeless (reminder of all the protesters ended-up without an eye shot at by macron’s ‘police’).

People will neither forgive nor forget

#McKinseyGate opens the way to #VanguardGate and #BlackRockGate (which leads of course to #RothschildGate)

In France, elections are coming and so, the media controlled by macron’s masters try to convince the not very smart and not very well informed that macron is filling up meetings, while the videos say otherwise:

Embarrassing isn’t it? Especially when half of these few supporters are suspected to be paid actors…

To rothschild poodle macron, the presstitutes and their pimps: Here is what a full meeting looks like: #SaveAmericaRally in Michigan this week:

And how lively such an event is with real People, not paid actors.

Who were the few hundred macron so-called supporters? Paid actors or the last remaining Neanderthals? Or  just brain damaged sheeple?  #McKinseyMacronGate #AlstomGate #McKingseyGate #RothschildGate #IsabelleFerreira

A victims association sues McKinsey & co for corruption & abuse. McKinsey was the pillar of macron’s fascist regime ‘deathvax’ strategy according to the Senate investigation.

macron to the French:  ‘I don’t like you’ – The French to rothschild little runt: ‘we don’t like you either’ from Michel Ange Flori, the billboard artist.

Joke of the day in France

– Hello Manu (macron), it’s Elie.

– Elie who?

Elie-minated in the first round…

Electoral ejection – shit macron out!

macron’s future if he rigs the vote to stay in power

The gallows or the pyre?

Video of macron’s effigy burning in public:


Another Nation about to kick its rotten political class out is Germany. Week after week, the number of protesters is growing and the number of towns cities and villages involved too. With the last straw from the globalist-bolshevik regime of puppet Scholz being the hyperinflation blamed on Russia but provoked by the globalists themselves, how long will this clown survive? If anything, Germans don’t like to waste their money…

Puppet “Chancellor” scholz is being whistled on a visit to Essen!! People chant ‘Hau ab!’ (rotten!)

Don’t tell me this is because of Russia. According to the German Retail Federation German food prices and essentials will explode between 20 and 50% starting on Monday. https://talkmarkets.com/content/global
Germany: Grocery giant #Aldi is raising prices on 400 products by up to 30% starting tomorrow and expects other discounters like Lidl, Edeka, and Rewe to follow suit.

Oh and the lugenpresse (lying media) BS didn’t work this time:

Berlin, Germany: Massive demo and large convoy in support of Russia- The globalists propaganda, this time, is not working!

Massive demo in support of Russia in Berlin. This is what the cabalists puppets biden/johnson and their pimps want to avoid at all cost:

The alliance of Germany and Russia . This is what Charles de Gaulle wanted: A Europe of sovereign Nations from the Atlantic to the Urals! This is what the globalist and their EUSSR lackeys  try to fight: the inevitable alliance of the People of Europe and their brothers in Russia and Ukraine against them!

NWO puppet zelensky is real enemy of Ukraine. When will Urainians realize they have been duped since 2014?

And it’s not only in Germany, in France, despite the MSM/regime lies and non-stop propaganda, a majority of people support Russia!

In Germany massive protests in more than a thousand villages, towns and cities since many weeks to fight against covid fascism:

It happens every day , whatever the weather, taking responsibility for the future, under the rain, the snow or the sun.

Rostock -Singen – Schwerin – Karlsruhe -Hannover  -Cologne- Mannheim – Freiberg …  Everywhere  FREIHEIT! 4/04/2022

#Germany Frankfurt FREIHEIT! 2/04/2022

Stopping by the EUSSR rothschild ‘European’ central bank to start a fire? To warm the atmosphere?

BERLIN – Ansbach-  FREIHEIT! 2/04/2022

In the cold and the snow, they were there anyway, fighting the ‘great reset’ of their rotten politicians.

German MEP Christine Anderson: ”…resistance to a corrupt regime always starts with a small minority…”

This is the German lady who kick trudeau’s ass in front of the EUSSR parliament and the world. She put the jerk in his rightful place.

München, Bayern – FREIHEIT! 2/04/2022 – Under the snow…

Reutlingen  – Augsburg – FREIHEIT! 2/04/2022

Osnabrück – Düsseldorf – FREIHEIT! 2/04/2022

Leipzig  en masse! Maulbronn – Enough is Enough! Media: We know your lies!


Mondsee – FREIHEIT! 2/04/2022


The other under the table, stealth fascist agenda is happening right now in the EUSSR.  Nijmegen [Apr 3, 2022] – Demonstration for #FREEDOM & No EU digital ID! – The Dutch now what is going on and they fight it!

The EUSSR which has always been a totalitarian project is trying to impose to all Europeans digital id’s (bill gates wet dream) in complete stealth mode. No democratic process, no debate, no consultation. Nothing. Everything is decided and imposed from the ultra corrupt and criminal EUSSR commission.

Like for the WHO, the only solution is to quit or destroy the EUSSR.

vanderleyen and all the others, stick your digital id’s deep into what serves you as a conscience.

This is the EUSSR agenda (in line with their NWO masters agenda): It is exactly the ‘great reset’ agenda as exposed since years by those who knew:

Mandatory Vaccination for the EU Just Went Through Under the Radar

After June 30 2022

The actual document can be downloaded HERE.

If anyone doubts this is a global agenda and that that it must be destroyed globally:

Economist at “World Government Summit” says new financial world order about to shift in dramatic new direction

This is why more than ever, we must take back our sovereignty and refuse to play their game, use cash or barter, real anonymous cryptos (if any), never ever get injected with their poison, never get any digital id’s or vax passport and don’t comply to anything coming from these scumbags.

It is also time to cut the head of the hydra in Brussels, once and for all, either by leaving the EUSSR or by anihilating it. Starting by eliminating all the EUSSR/NWO puppets in governments.


Recent re-elections in Eastern and Central Europe (where they know what marxism leads to) show that fighting the Brussels dictatorship and winning is not only possible but is the only way to stay free and sovereign.

In a one-two knockout punch for pro-Russia governments in Europe, on Sunday the government of Serbia's pro-Russia president Aleksandar Vučić was headed for an avalanche victory in the country's presidential election with nearly 60% of the vote, a big improvement to this 2017 election result...

Serbia (Presidential Election), CeSID/Ipsos parallel count:
Vučić (SNS+-EPP): 59% (+4)
Ponoš (US-S&D): 17%
Jovanović (NADA-*): 6%

.. while Hungary's Pro-Russia prime minister, Viktor Orban, was on track to clinch a fourth consecutive term, leveraging a message against being dragged into the war in neighboring Ukraine, to reassert himself as the European Union’s longest-serving premier.

    “We have won a great victory — a victory so great you can perhaps see it from the moon and certainly from Brussels”.

Viktor Orban

Deep in EUSSR ‘komissar’ whore von der leyen conscience and LGBT pedophile rutte must now be green with rage…

Good for Hungary, what is bad for soros is good for the world



Another victim of the moneylenders mafia and the EUSSR, Italy:


Milan Italy -The Insanity Continues… People lining up for loaves of bread….This is what’s planned, a generation of desperate people, reliant on The Govt… Coming to a town near you unless you Unite and 𝙍𝙞𝙨𝙚 .

If Italians don’t rise and take down banker piece of shit draghi and his fascist regime they will starve and be slaves.

Draghi is starving to death all Italians who refuse to submit to his death vaxx and Mark of the Beast anti-freedom vaxx-pass

The solution in Italy is to take down draghi and Italians know it.

Who will take responsability?

draghila wormtongue must be hanged like Mussolini


The genocide masquerading as a ‘health’ emergency continues. For years, they (WHO, big pharma, UN, UNICEF, gates) used ‘vaccines’ to cull and sterlize third world countries populations, since 2020, they target Western populations.

17-Year-Old Died ‘Suddenly in Sleep’ 6 Months After 2nd Pfizer Shot

VAERS data released Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention included a total of of 1,205,755 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID “vaccines”, including 26,396 deaths and 214,521 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 25, 2022.

Only 1% to 10% of adverse events are reported.

Dr Robert Malone explains it in simple terms:

There is quote from Mussolini regarding this logic of ‘private/public’ “partnership” (the world economic forum motto) and the fusion between the corporate and the state.  He has a term for that, He calls it FASCISM. The instigator of fascism explicitly said it, the same logic, that there should be an alliance, a partnership, a fusion between the  interests of corporations and the interests of states‘ and global governments. He actually suggested that a better term than fascism would be ‘corporatism’.

That’s what the world economic forum attempts to advance: global fascism.

Dr Robert Malone

Yes, Benito Mussolini, the creator of the concept of fascism knew what fascism was about, the fusion of corporate and state power, what they call today private/public ‘partnership’… Nothing new, history repeats itself as ignorant, criminals and corrupt are ‘in charge’.

People’s convoy update

These universally dangerous bills are about to be voted on in the California legislature! If passed, these bills will change everything for people who want to Live, Work or Learn in the State of CA while exercising their right to medical freedom.

If passed, these bills set the stage for other states to introduce similar laws. We know that what starts in CA, spreads to other blue and purple states, and potentially at a federal level.

This affects everyone!

Share with as many people you can, make sure they understand what could happen, and start calling your representatives!  For more details on how to TAKE ACTION, visit www.UnityProject.com

We Are Currently Enroute to:
Big Springs Airpark
3200 Rickabaugh Drive
Big Springs, TX

We’d like to remind everyone that gavin newsom, the scum serving as mock ‘governor’ of California  is just another world economic forum infiltrated puppet remote controlled from Davos to implement the fascist ‘reset’ agenda of his masters. As such, he is a traitor to his job, his state and his country and deserves what traitors deserve: the death penalty. And he is certainly not the only one in California, a state that thousands of Americans are leaving everyday to flee totalitarianism.

Below a non-exhaustive list of the WEF 5th column infiltrators.

Klaus Schwab’s Traitors — A More Complete List

Here are the Names and Faces of WEF’s Young Global Leaders in the United Kingdom

Here Are the Names and Faces of WEF’s Young Global Leaders in Australia and New Zealand

Here Are the Names and Faces of WEF’s Young Global Leaders in Italy


Latest pages from Pfizer released on 1st April unredacted (the ones they tried to hide for 75 yrs). They studied 270 pregnancies, but failed to follow up 238 of them! Please tell me if I’m reading this wrong? 28 deceased babies out of 27 mothers?

In Michigan, one of the state where massive fraud happened for the 2020 elections, the #SaveAmericaRally took place. Packed full, something that would make little runt macron jealous.

When you hear mail-in-ballot, you can be guaranteed you have a corrupt election.

Donald Trump
From Make America Great Again to Save America. There is an emergency.

Federal Election Commission Fines Hillary Clinton, DNC Over Russia Collusion Hoax


The fight goes on, the ‘fog of war’ and the MSM/Davos regime propaganda won’t have People forget the rights and freedom that have been taken from them. And won’t avoid them to see justice!

Toronto – April 2 – Freedom!

trudeau for JAIL!

Apr 2 #Canada Calgary FREEDOM!

HANG trudeau!

Government” of Canada reveals Fully Vaccinated account for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 Deaths over the past month; the majority Triple Jabbed

By ‘government’ they probably mean the Davos puppet regime that infiltrated Canada’s government.


Australia: This is Epic Senator Malcolm Roberts drops some Monster WAX Truth Bombs…

Australian Senator and British MP Speak Out About The Vaccines [VIDEOS]

ER Editor: We’re doing a two-fer. Australian Senator Malcolm Roberts gives a short speech in the Senate – both video and transcript are provided. Roberts goes for the jugular. And British MP Sir Christopher Chope speaks out in an interview about vaccines and government/media handling of the matter. 

When the dam finally breaks, they’ll both be on the right side of history.


NSW – This is Officially Insane- Premier Perrottet says the School RAT Program and Retail QR Code Sign implementation was 𝙊𝙉𝙇𝙔 done to counteract the Relentless MSM Fear Mongering…in his own words…”𝙏𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙣𝙤 𝙎𝙘𝙞𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙙 𝙞𝙩…

They would say anything to try to cover their crimes.


All by design….A 36-hour curfew has been announced in Sri Lanka as a state of emergency is enforced amid violent protests against food and fuel shortages. The military has since been deployed and now has the power to arrest suspects without warrants. Coming soon to a country near you.

It didn’t stop protesters to stone police trucks and riot. The globalists are responsible and all our corrupt ‘governments’ will soon feel the heat!

And to finish in the From Russia With Love category

Politicians Panic as Sanctions intended to destroy the Russian Economy instead Destroy Western Economies

The contradictions that stem from American and European arrogance have finally hit breaking point.
The United States reportedly boosted its import of Russian oil last month, according to official figures from the Energy Information Administration. The extra imported volume accounted for a 43 percent increase.

The Sanctions Have Backfired

The idiot Biden Regime’s sanctions have turned out to be a great gift to Russia while driving up inflation in the US and its empire, forcing Washington to remove some of the sanctions.

The End of Dollar Dominance and Catastrophe for the Euro

When will the Russian ruble be tied to gold? It’s a matter of time (perhaps it has already happened). The Central Bank of Russia already announced a few days ago that it was buying up gold at a fixed price. The tax on the purchase of gold by individuals has been abolished. You don’t have to be a top-level financial analyst to understand where all this is leading up.

When rubles are pegged to gold at a price of, for example, 5,000 rubles per gram, and there are 32 grams per troy ounce, which means that one ounce of gold will cost 160,000 rubles, then converting to US dollars means that gold will cost $1,600 per ounce in rubles, not $1,928 per ounce in dollars.

Russia with this single move will destroy about 30% of the value of the US dollar worldwide. 

Total Collapse – India Says They’re Going to Get Rich Off Russian Sanctions While the West Starves

It happened before, when the Brits lost their crown jewel, India.

Does the US have any understanding of what is going on?

I think these people are stupid. They are sitting around saying, “hahaha, we are Great Resetting them good now!” without comprehending the implications.
RT: A system allowing direct rupee-ruble payments in trade between Russia and India could be launched this week, the president of the Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO), A Sakthivel, told CNBC on Wednesday. The arrangement would allow India and Russia to carry out financial operations bypassing the US dollar.

Meet the New, Resource-Based Global Reserve Currency

By Pepe Escobar

Or to put it another way,

https://www.unz.com/pescobar/rublegas-the-worlds-new-resource-based-reserve-currency/Rublegas the World’s New Resource-based Reserve Currency

Saddam, Gaddafi, Iran, Venezuela – they all tried but couldn’t do it. But Russia is on a different level altogether. The beauty of the game-changing, gas-for-rubles, geoeconomic jujitsu applied by Moscow is its stark simplicity.
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s presidential decree on new payment terms for energy products, predictably, was misunderstood by the collective west. The Russian government is not exactly demanding straightforward payment for gas in rubles. What Moscow wants is to be paid at Gazprombank in Russia, in its currency of choice, and not at a Gazprom account in any banking institution in western capitals.
That’s the essence of less-is-more sophistication. Gazprombank will sell the foreign currency – dollars or euros – deposited by their customers on the Moscow Stock Exchange and credit it to different accounts in rubles within Gazprombank.
What this means in practice is that foreign currency should be sent directly to Russia, and not accumulated in a foreign bank – where it can easily be held hostage, or frozen, for that matter.
Putin himself was forced to explain in writing to German Chancellor Olaf Scholz how it all works. Once again, very simple: Customers open an account with Gazprombank in Russia. Payments are made in foreign currency – dollars or euros – converted into rubles according to the current exchange rate, and transferred to different Gazprom accounts. Thus it is 100 percent guaranteed that Gazprom will be paid.

SUNDAY SCREENING ‘The Ukraine Hoax’ (2020)

The buffoon zelensky, before becoming the globalists favorite puppet was dancing in high heels half naked in some sort of drag queen/satanist ceremony on TV. Who in his right mind voted for this wretch?

NOTE: While this documentary does contain some typically shallow US mainstream talking points and foreign policy rhetoric, it nonetheless still has a number of key points which expose the US government and the Obama-Biden administration’s corrupt dealings in Ukraine, and the US-backed false flag shooting at the Maidan demonstrations – all of which laid the foundations for the current war in 2022.  

And it wasn’t a one time occurence:

A video of ‘Ukrainian president’ Volodymyr Zelensky playing the piano with his private parts has gone viral

He was probably too busy playing the piano with his genitals

One of the main grievances Russia had with Ukraine was the fact that it was being groomed for NATO membership – a national security risk which Moscow deemed as completely unacceptable.

Yesterday, the Wall Street Journal revealed how German chancellor Olaf Scholz had offered Ukraine’s "President" Volodymyr Zelensky a peace deal only days before Russia launched its “Special Military Operations” in Ukraine on February 24th. But Zelensky turned down the deal – claiming that 'Putin couldn’t be trusted to keep his promises' (says the comedian playing the piano with his genitals...)
It turns out that Scholz was in the process of brokering a deal and told Zelensky during his visit to the Munich Security Conference on February 19th, that Ukraine should renounce its NATOhttps://21stcenturywire.com/2022/04/04/go-figure-nato-leaves-taliban-ban-poppy-production-in-afghanistan/ aspirations and declare neutrality as part of a wider European security deal between the West and Russia, and that the pact would be signed by Mr. Putin and Mr. Biden, who would jointly guarantee Ukraine’s security.”
Incredibly, Zelensky rejected the offer to make a concession by declaring NATO neutrality, and thus avoid a war with Russia...

So, clearly the conflict was designed by zelensky puppet masters to escalate.

The New World Order That’s Being Prepared Under Pretext of War in Ukraine

Again, who voted for a NWO puppet, a liar, a corrupt warmonger and a wretch?

Talking about wretch…

The Biden Holds Up Note Card While Explaining How He Didn’t Mean Regime Change When He Called for Regime Change

The consequences of having demented stooges in power instead of decent leaders?

Biden Leaks – Reports From the Hard Drive From Hell.

Who Are the Americans Coordinating Bioweapons Research in Ukraine Labs?

The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD) revealed new documents on Thursday that had been seized by Russian forces in eastern Ukraine, including correspondences between American financier Hunter Biden the son of US President Joe Biden - and figures involved in biological research in Ukraine, which an investment firm of his helped to bankroll.
"The documents revealed an intent to create a "Central Depository of Especially Dangerous Microorganisms in Kiev," according to Russian MoD spokesperson Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov, as well as ways to distribute biological agents via drone."

The names: Robert Pope, Rhys M. Williams, Joanna Wintrol, Steven L. Edwards, Lance Lippencott, David Mustra, Mary Guttieri, Nita Madhav, Scott Thornton

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

John 8:32


71 thoughts on “Hang’Em All”

  1. Killing corrupt and criminal politicians should be the national sport of every nation on earth.
    They actually should be released in the street with zero bodyguards and hunted down by their millions of victims.

    same for the cabalist vermin, Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg and all the others


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