The Great Awakening

Promoting Mikki Willis new film, The Great Awakening.

The Great Awakening, part 3 of the Plandemic Series by Mikki Willis, was released on the 3rd of June.

As suggested by various readers, we watched it and below are a few links where it can be seen for free.

Highly recommended as the coup-19 perpetrators are moving fast towards their global control agenda with the help of almost all puppet ‘governments’ on earth (including the USA, their European lackeys and China as the most powerful economies).

More obfuscation, more propaganda, more social engineering, more psychological warfare, more lies and manipulation with the anthropogenic climate change hoax, gender bullshit theories, woke stupidity, race fallacies, manufactured wars and crises (terrorism, food, energy, economy, fabricated hyperinflation) to try to confuse, impoverish and divide people, put human beings into a permanent state of fear and instability, create chaos to impose made-up false ‘solutions‘.

The Hegel dialectic, over and over again.  Thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Except the globalists started by writing the synthesis as their desired outcome and created the thesis and antithesis afterwards.

To respectively impose genderless, godless societies, dismantle the nuclear family, put people into a constant state of fear and confusion so they can be better manipulated and brainwashed into obedience to the most absurd ‘policies’ (diktats) as seen during the covid coup, end free will, free choices, freedom and natural human rights, annihilate free markets, the economy, abolish private property and the wet dream of a global ‘government‘ modeled on communist hellhole China where social credit, 24/7 surveillance, tyranny, state violence, torture, concentration, re-education and death camps have become the norm.

Fascism, communism or globalism are the same hideous ideology: totalitarianism on a global scale for the first time in history.

Because with ‘modern’ technology, for the first time in human history, they think they can do it. Technology, instead of being used to liberate us, is used to enslave us by the very people who pretend the contrary (all big tech without any exception).

Destroying freedom, national sovereignty, constitutions,  democracies to force down our throats their sick ‘new world order‘: tyranny and poverty for the masses and the good life for the self-designated ‘elite‘ and their lackeys.  

A collectivist nightmare for the unwashed and Neo-feudalism for their would be ‘overlords’.

Communism, socialism, Maoism, marxism, fascism, globalism, corporatism, Nazism (aka national socialism), are all sides of the same coin: collectivist totalitarianism.

“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of the man who can fabricate it.”

Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism

It always lead to the same results: economic crises, famines, poverty, suffering, misery, oppression, dehumanization, destruction, wars, mass murder, genocides.

In these systems, the group, the oligarchy, the state, corporations, parties or monopolies are all powerful and control all aspects of people’s lives. Like during the covid coup.

This is what happened in the USSR, Nazi Germany, Khmer Rouge Cambodia, Vietnam, North Korea and of course China with more than a hundred million of innocent Chinese, Tibetan, Uighur and others murdered in the name of the ‘greater good(and still counting).

Communism in action: Khmer rouge regime Cambodia: Painting showing how babies where killed by bashing their heads against a tree, the mother is dragged away, on the right they threw and shot babies in the air, gruesome. Some 3 million people died in the killing fields of the Cambodian genocide.

Mao Zedung, the biggest mass murderer of all times, still revered in China and by global idiots as if nothing had happened.
The largest genocides of all times were committed by the Chinese communists, using tactics like farming ‘reforms’ (the climate hoax of the day) to starve and depopulate along with the usual violence to exterminate free-thinkers, intellectuals, dissidents or any group designated as undesirable. RINGS ANY BELLS?

Tibetan genocide: Records show that between 1949 and 1979 the following deaths occurred:

173,221Tibetans died after being tortured in prison.
156,758Tibetans were executed by the Chinese.
432,705Tibetans were killed while fighting Chinese occupation.
342,970Tibetans have starved to death.
92,731Tibetans were publicly tortured to death.
9,002Tibetans committed suicide.
1,207,387TOTAL GENOCIDE (still counting)

The wet dream of the globalists and their lackeys in the banana regimes of Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and New-Zealand is to emulate communist shithole China. Even the EU(SSR) flag looks like a copy of the Chinese one.
A coup within the coup. BLM: a manufactured American ‘color revolution’ piloted by the same people behind the covid coup. Remove Trump from power, get their puppet in power and further the societal destruction.

In such regimes, the individual cease to exist and all his rights and freedom with it. The dissident or the disobedient will be cast out, sent in camps, ‘re-educated‘, exterminated, eliminated as it’s been the case in all the collectivist regimes in human history and often with the complicity of hitherto decent people who suddenly become mass murderers because they have been brainwashed, or put under some sort of hypnosis and entitled to.

Mass formation in action: Hitler’s adorers and the covidian cult. Same manipulation techniques, same outcomes.

This is thewe are all in this togetherof the covid coup and this is what led people to commit crimes against humanity in the name of the greater good‘.

When the world economic forum or the UN mafias advertise ‘agenda 2030‘, ‘sustainable goals’, the ‘great reset‘, and dare to spit in our faces:  ‘in 2030 you will own nothing and be happy’. (Welcome To 2030: I Own Nothing, Have No Privacy And Life Has Never been better (sic)…

They mean it. This is not a conspiracy theory, it’s written in their books, on their websites, they warn us: “we will take everything from you and we will try to even take your mind so that you will not revolt.”

If we let them do.

Part of their techniques to discourage people to wake-up and fight is to insidiously suggest that all resistance is futile. This is of course only a mind control technique.

Resistance, disobedience and revolt are not only possible and useful but they work.

It only takes 10 to 15% people fighting back to annihilate their plans. Minorities make history, never the silent majorities.

The future is never written and despite all their money, technology, wickedness alleged power and their unfathomable arrogance, they don’t control the future, they are not God.

More than 15% have woken-up worldwide. It’s time to join, organize and act!

Rise-up and fight

Their goal is to grab everything that belong to us, including our rights, freedom, our bodies, our soul and every resource on the planet to leave us with nothing but enslavement.

And our eyes to cry.

The only way anyone could be happy with that is with complete conscience erasure and absolute brainwashing.

Only the brain dead and conscious less will be happy. As happy as beaten dogs.   

If they have their way, that is if those who can act keep doing little or nothing, you’ll have nothing but you won’t be happy….

To those who fight

Link 1:

Link 2:

Plandemic 1

Plandemic 2: Indoctornation

Plandemic 3: The Great Awakening


We re-publish here comments, reviews or critics of the Great Awakening film. Do not hesitate to send us your comments and critics, we will publish the most relevant.

starting with one made by Lou, one of our readers, because it makes sense in regards of the Great Awakening and this post:

Here’s a comment about the film found at Rumble:

This is NOT a portrayal of a “great awakening” but a PARTIAL awakening to a PART of the whole problem or whole enemy. Having a smooth-talking virtue-signaling filmmaker calling pompously a biased whitewash of reality “the great awakening” is misdirection and apparent PROPAGANDA in its own right.

And in fact it is a significant DISawakening account by his false claim that “communism” or war/division between China and the US is the fundamental problem/enemy because that error/lie only chases the viewers down another wrong path when in reality the only real war, or division, has always been between the criminal class of governing bodies and the public and NOT between popular fake enemy narratives such as communism, capitalism, China versus US, Russia versus US, etc : /

By ignorantly jumping on the communism-as-the-problem falsehood/lie, that has been actively promoted among the masses by the psychopaths in power, he only falls for their typical public-misleading propaganda. This truth-distorting propaganda film too worships the genocidal US empire as a “glorious nation.”

“We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” — William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime

Willis is about as WILLFULLY selective deeply asleep as nearly all willfully “selective awake” sleepwalkers among the “alternative news” media community.

In THAT disingenuous form he’s, of course, influential and popular among those type of (US) folks maintaining and nurturing the general human lunacy dominating the planet.

The ruling criminals pulled off the Covid Scam globally via its WHO institution because almost all nations belong to it.

Sign the declaration at to exit the WHO

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

Martin Luther King Jr

Three reviews of The Great Awakening published recently

Film Review-‘The Great Awakening’ The Epoch Time

The New World Order and the loathsome marketing of COVID-19 – By Michael Clark June 6, 2023, The Epoch Time.


The third and perhaps not the last installment in the “Plandemic” series, “The Great Awakening” from director Mikki Willis goes over a great deal of information found in the previous two films, “Plandemic” and “Indoctornation.” However, it also includes reams of backstory, suggesting that the seeds of the 2020 COVID-19 scare were planted decades ago, and that this was only a single facet in the diabolical and sinister effort on the part of a very few to create a uniparty called the New World Order (NWO).

A former member of the Bernie Sanders “Bernie Bros” brigade, Willis, like so many (but still not enough) of those on the far left, began to realize that he was being led astray and so made a huge ideological about-face.

Teaming up with Informed Consent Action Network founder and CEO Del Bigtree (who wrote and produced the 2016 film “Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe”), Willis spends nearly half of the 116-minute running time connecting what has been transpiring for the last three years to events dating back as far as 1949 with the founding of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

It Started With Mao

Two of the first things that CCP leader Mao Zedong implemented were framing “obedience” as “virtue” and asexualizing the populace. This “nongendering” called for males and females to have identical hairstyles and wear the same unflattering uniforms.

What, you may ask, does this have to do with COVID-19? Plenty. March of 2020 saw an immediate global shutdown, which included “nonessential” workers having to isolate at home and to get vaccinated. If you were “obedient” you were behaving with “virtue”; if not, you were shamed and ridiculed, or worse.

The left’s recent push toward transgenderism, body mutilation, hormone blockers for children, and supporting gender dysphoria is right out of the Mao playbook.

Full review

Review of Plandemic 3  The Great Awakening

A well-done documentary you would feel confident sharing with the normies.

ByJordan Sather, Substack


Storyline – A

The storyline may have been my favorite part of the time. Mikki introduced the content of the film with a brief 5 minute introduction into his own awakening experience setting the stage for the information to follow. It was not self-aggrandizing or over the top, but let us know who the filmmaker was, his backstory, and helped to bring us into the topics of socialism and communism with ease. It was also very relatable, as there are many Bernie Bros and others who have had their angst at the system funneled into dead ends, only to later wake up as to how they were used by pawns in class warfare.

After the introduction, an old lecture from Edward G. Griffin about communist infiltration was used as a backbone to carry the story through the rest of the film. This prophetic lecture of Griffin, presumably recording during the 1960s or 70s, helped move the viewer through the difference aspects of communist doctrine effectively, especially with the COVID narrative and woke agenda used as examples of the agenda in action. Top notch story flow.

Of what was discussed, I was particularly happy to see the ESG, “environmental social governance”, topics brought to the lime light, for it’s a monster not too many people are aware of. These are governmental initiatives for govt. and corporate institutions to follow to be “equitable”, “inclusive” and “helping make the world a better place”.

Subject Content- B

Plandemic 3 did a safe and effective job of highlighting how COVID and woke agendas are being used as part of a communist/totalitarian takeover of our world by a multi-national corporate/government Cabal.

Think of ESG like a social credit score for businesses and institutions. A better ESG score for a business means big investments firms like BlackRock and Vanguard will be more likely to support them, along with Wall Street. Bad ESG scores = shunning from the financial titans. It’s economic extortion, basically, and the reason you see so many big companies jump on the woke climate change or LGBTQ bandwagons. Plandemic 3 helped tie that subject into the totalitarian New World Order agenda.

Full review

Can Compassion be Weaponized?


Filmmaker Mikki Willis told FLCCC about his personal journey from liberal activist to producer of what Wikipedia calls a misinformation-promoting “conspiracy theory” video.

“I come from the far progressive left,” Mikki Willis told Dr. Paul Marik in a recent interview. “I could have easily gone and been a member of Antifa… I was becoming very radical. How did they get me? Because I consider myself to be a fairly logical person. I look back on the things they used to say and do, and it’s almost like it was another lifetime.”

Many of us have experienced the same, often unnerving, transformation from one set of beliefs to another and wonder how it happened, and how it happened so fast.

“I’ll tell you how they got me,” Mikki continues. “Because I care… All of this is weaponized compassion.”

He explains that those pushing the narratives he once subscribed to tug at people’s heartstrings and give them an opportunity to do something supposedly meaningful and good for society.

“In the guise of environmentalism and solving racism and gender equality and all these things is a hidden agenda. And that agenda is not benevolent. And that agenda is dividing us as humans, destroying families, destroying everything worth living and dying for really.”

Mikki Willis

He goes on to say,

“We have a crisis of meaning in our life. Most people are living a meaningless life. So, if you give them an opportunity to march in the streets, they don’t really ask questions of what it’s about. And they don’t do enough research because all they know is they want to be connected with a meaningful tribe. They want to be able to put on a face mask so they can virtue signal to other people to say, ‘We’re the good ones. I’m doing something meaningful right now.’”

Mikki Willis

Unfortunately, Mikki explains, those people are often being led by the very forces they think they are resisting. “I woke up to that as a young activist,” he says.

“I was on the road with Bernie Sanders when I woke up to realize I was being used. All the worst genocides of our history would not have been possible if it weren’t for the people that they lured into their cults to do their dirty work.”

Mikki Willis

As a next step, he suggests that:

people can get involved in local politics or activism and take advantage of “people power” to make necessary changes.

“But at a more spiritual level, it’s really about returning to our humanity. We have been dehumanized, and that’s part of the agenda. And, so, coming back to our humanity… taking off our shoes, walking in the grass, understanding that this planet and this magnificent, brilliant, resilient thing we call nature provides everything that we could possibly need. There’s nothing to learn. There’s only a lot to remember.”

Mikki Willis

Full article



Know your enemies: These corporations are part of the global coup, they finance it, most are owned by a handful of shareholders such as Blackrock or Vanguard. They have no excuse, are complicit of crimes against humanity and don’t deserve your money.


“The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants, and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.”

Albert Camus 

117 thoughts on “The Great Awakening”

  1. The covid takeover, the subprime crisis, 9/11, Al Qaeda, ISIS, the anthropogenic climate change hoax, woke this woke that, BLM and of course the lgbt+ pedophile scum, all that is part of one big plan, same big plan, same psychopaths behind them, same evil, satan’s work indeed.

    Expose them, ridicule them, stop them, destroy them, bury them, and chase the devil and its pathetic army of useful idiots.



    1. RE: “same psychopaths behind them, same evil”

      The fact that psychopaths rule is only ONE part of the equation. The pack of leading psychopaths do not operate in a vacuum, and never have. There are 2 destructive human pink elephants in the room and they are MARRIED — study the free essay “The 2 Married Pink Elephants In The Historical Room”… (or

      The criminals in power are in those positions and do what they do ONLY because of the mostly willful activities, or inactivities, of the majority of self-entitled “decent” or “good” or “compassionate” or “enlightened” or “religious” people — the 90-95% of the herd — and because they do NOT really want the truth but comforting fantasies.

      “Our current ‘state’ is the dictatorship of evil. We know that already, I hear you object, and we don’t need you to reproach us for it yet again. But, I ask you, if you know that, then why don’t you act? Why do you tolerate these rulers gradually robbing you, in public and in private, of one right after another, until one day nothing, absolutely nothing, remains but the machinery of the state, under the command of criminals and drunkards?” — from a White Rose Pamphlet, the ‘White Rose’ was a German resistance group fighting Hitler’s Nazi regime

      Isn’t it about time for anyone to wake up to the ULTIMATE DEPTH of the human rabbit hole — rather than remain blissfully willfully ignorant in a narcissistic fantasy land and play victim like a little child?

      Without a proper understanding, and full acknowledgment, of the true WHOLE problem and reality, no real constructive LASTING change is possible for humanity.

      And if anyone does NOT acknowledge, recognize, and face (either wittingly or unwittingly) the WHOLE truth THEY are helping to prevent this from happening. And so they are “part of the problem” and not part of the solution.

      If you have been injected with Covid jabs/bioweapons and are concerned, then verify what batch number you were injected with at

      “… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” — Unknown in 2022

      “We’ll know our Disinformation Program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.” —William Casey, a former CIA director=a leading psychopathic criminal of the genocidal US regime


      1. You’re right Teezj, the real culprits are the people who comply, obey, don’t fight and do nothing to stand up against evil.

        The tiny psychopathic minority would be nothing with their millions of loyal and overzealous little bitches all over the world.

        Good thing is, most of them got jabbed many times, so we won’t stand them for long anymore.


      2. Doing promotion for your work .rolf-hefti ?

        Don’t worry, more people read your blog than you think, wordpress gives fake stats to discourage us to keep broadcasting the truth.

        But, true the majority of sheeple is part of the problem:

        “… doctors and scientists are now on the same lever of public confidence as the scum living in the swamp.” —

        This should be the obvious truth and yet, despite the evidence, millions still revere scumbags dr and their evil nurses who killed millions by injectin’ em with this shit.

        These people are incurable, they would rather die ignorant than change, they would rather kill their kids than change.

        A tiny minority changes the world, always has been, never the masses who are there to follow and populate the spaces when they are needed.

        Not even 10% ever took part in revolutions, resistance movements, all the others were followers, pawns, manipulated crowds doing the biding of the leading minority.

        History proves it.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It might not be a communist coup as per say BUT at least 80% of the marxist scum out there not only agreed with he covid coup but were and are also its main helpers.

    But even some leftists fought t it and resist it. A minority as usual.

    Funnily the biggest supporters of the covid scam are the lgbtqa+ pedophiles zombies, they love muzzles, they love being jailed at home, they love getting injected with shit (makes their hair bluer) and they love totalitarianism and fascism which they call ‘anti fascism’ (LoL)…

    Lgbt pedos & their wokist lovers, biggest useful idiots in history?

    Definitely yes!


  3. He is right, it’s a coup, a communist coup, like the ones that happened in Russia, China, Cambodia and other countries. Financed by the same money changers of course as communism is nothing else than the opium they give to those who lost sight of God.

    Communism for the masses and feudalism for the global elites is their game and has always been.


  4. Anti-white racism is now the most widespread form of racism on earth, thanks to the Jewish media, globalist billionaires and their minions who are targeting the White Man in particular for extermination.

    Because this is nothing else but a genocide and it is time other races denounce it as such.


  5. Funnily the only countries where there is no communist takeover are former communist countries as they know what communsim really is…

    Russia for one is healed from this evil disease ans stands proud as the heir of European civlization against modern barbarism (lgbt, woke, decadence, self guilt and all the made-up sickness striking the west).

    Thanks to Vladimir The Great as he is now known in all the Russias.


  6. They use the communist idiots, like they use the climate psychos, lgbt weirdos, agenda 2030 cretins and other mentally damaged types, but the people behind all this are not communists, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Gates, Soros and all the other crawling cockroaches are far from being marxists…

    As such, Mikki Willis misses the mark or he has been told to miss the mark to get back into the fold?


    1. It seems that he stays on the surface blaming some communist coup while not naming the real culprits, the crypto-jews aka the khazarian mafia and their allies.


  7. The film is fine but this isn’t only a communist coup, it’s wider and deeper. The Jews are behind it as they are behind every genocide since more than a century. Of course they use the marxist idiots to reach their goal, but Willis focused only on the visible part, not the pushers in the background.


  8. People can’t manage the truth, they wouldn’t sleep at night, too weak or too stupid to handle it.

    So they pretend to believe the BS served to them by their owners…


  9. Some people and entire countries will never wake-up, they’ll let them wipe them out without even noticing like chicken


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