“Human Induced Climate Change”: Fraud of the 21st Century

The global parasites, their servile puppets (your politicians) and their useful idiots use the alibi of a ‘climate emergency’ hoax to justify their crimes against Humanity and their attempt at world domination.

The following article debunks the ‘man-made climate change’ lies with real science and clear facts.

It was written by Dick Reaney who studied Climate and Paleoclimatology for 40 years.

Like the manufactured PLANDEMIC, the CLIMATE HOAX is used by the global scum to push their wet dream of a global totalitarian ‘governance‘ .

The “save the planet” alibi doesn’t stand scrutiny. They have no alibi for agenda 2030, its ‘great reset‘ counterpart and all the crimes they’ve committed, keep committing and are planning to commit using lies to hide greed and power hunger...


“Human Induced Climate Change” – Fraud of the 21st Century

By Dick Reaney PGCAS(Cant), BDS(Otago), D.Orth.RCS(London), MRACDS(Aust), FICD has studied Climate and Paleoclimatology for 40 years including numerous expeditions to the Antarctic, the North Pole, and the Himalayas. He was awarded a Visiting Scholarship to Scott Polar Research Institute in 2005 by Cambridge University, England. 

His research has produced some clear findings: there is no climate emergency and never has been, climate change is unstoppable; extreme weather events are a natural phenomena.

This is a huge and a very complex subject. The literature surrounding climate change is enormous, diffuse and profoundly contradictory. 

The reason; climate scientists have not exactly been lily white in their recording and reporting of information.

A considerable amount of data has been distorted or altered to give them the results they desire.

My approach to this subject is factual and as accurate as my research has allowed in several years of study.  The last forty years have seen massive multinational scientific studies costing millions of dollars. The scientific backing for the Global Warming scare comes from climate science, not politicians. 

Climate science is a weak science. The atmosphere is chaotic and difficult to define with scientific theories. Many of these studies attempt to predict the future of the climate and to quantify the effects of change on the world’s populations.

The effects of Carbon Dioxide are speculative and influenced by ideological biases of the various scientists. This then produces strong elements attempting to enforce uniformity of opinion.

The climate scientific community now say there is ‘consensus’ among scientists supporting anthropological climate change. This is a nonsense. In science there is no such thing.

Either the scientific evidence proves the hypothesis or it doesn’t. The opinion of the scientists is irrelevant without factual and repeatable evidence.

The major factor in the Earth’s climate is the sun. Our climate is driven by the receipt and redistribution of solar energy. Without this there would be no life on Earth.

In the last few decades, we have been authoritatively told and pressured to accept that the Earth is heating up to a degree higher than it should, and will continue to do so, because of polluting emissions of Carbon Dioxide.  Well, some of us are not ready to accept that. Before acceding to any form of global climate alarmism, we want to know why, how much and how relevant the warming could be.

Many politicians, journalists, scientists and green activists claim to know all the answers. The media and politicians in particular are pushing the theory – “it is caused by mankind and our irresponsible activities in discharging Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, thus forming a Greenhouse Gas, which will cause the Earth’s temperature to rise and lead to all manner of worldly disasters.” 

Al gore, a failed politician is one of the main liars (or real idiot) used by the globalists to try to sell the ‘climate’ hoax in order to advance their wet dream of a global ‘governance’. Al gore, like many other scumbags was in Davos at the end of May. He ridiculed himself so many times that no one gives him any credit anymore. The WEF: a recycling center for losers?

This massive “Fixation” on CO2 is now beyond all reasonable common sense. The alarmist lobby have totally disregarded all the vast natural forces that actually do drive climate.

Moreover, to alarm us further, the scientists claim “That the science is settled*, and there is nothing further to be done.” Well, anyone with a knowledgeable background knows this is a nonsense, when hard data evidence and Historical scientific ice core results all show the ‘science is far from settled.’

*Comment: the science is settled: We've heard that before haven't we? Since 2020, to silence real scientific debate, the criminals behind the covid fraud are screaming that at every turn...

The study of global climate fluctuations over millions of years shows there are other massive  forces controlling global climate and that the role of man-made CO2 emissions is so incredibly minute as to be almost negligible.

The true reality is, “There is no climate emergency” there never has been and to say CO2 is a pollutant is fraudulent in the extreme. Pollution kills and no one wants pollution of the atmosphere, waterways or land.

By contrast, carbon dioxide is plant food and the life blood of the plant kingdom. CO2 underpins all life on Earth.

All plants require CO2 for photosynthesis and especially photosynthetic micro-organisms, which are the pillars supporting all life on Earth.

Contrary to what is popularly claimed “that we must reduce our ‘carbon’ footprint and stop climate change;’ we again are misinformed. Carbon is a chemical element on the Periodic Table of Elements and forms many substances from graphite to diamonds.

Carbon is Not a gas and certainly not a Greenhouse gas, so the Carbon Footprint claim is just another falsehood picked up by the politicians as a desirable turn of phrase. In fact carbon particulate matter and dust in the atmosphere from volcanos causes global cooling.

Carbon dioxide is an extremely minor greenhouse gas, so small, that it’s deemed a trace gas and is measured in parts per million.

Today levels vary around the World from 390 ppm to 410ppm, with an average of 400ppm, representing just 0.04%. of total atmospheric gases.

So where is the scientific evidence that CO2 is the problem? – it is simply not there. And the scientists provide false evidence to justify their case.

The Pie Graph below is frequently shown to scare the public as to how much CO2 there is in the atmosphere.

However the Major Greenhouse Gas is not there !!!!!

So you might ask, what is the major greenhouse gas in the atmosphere? 

It happens to be Water Vapour, yes, 97% of all greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is water vapour.

Something the climate scientists and politicians have conveniently ignored and left out of any discussion, as it destroys their CO2 arguments.

The correct graph below highlights the significance of Water Vapour and its huge dominance in the atmosphere.

But it gets worse for these climate scientists – of the total amount of CO2 in the atmosphere, we find that the bulk of the 400ppm is put up by Nature and Natural Earth processes.

Natures contribution to the 400ppm is 97%. (or 388ppm). 

Mankind’s contribution is just 3% or 12ppm.

That’s All!!  When the scientists speak of the 400ppm they don’t mention that only 12ppm is from human emissions. So for our politicians and media to say we must stop our emissions to save the planet, the question becomes well how can that work if its only 12ppm?

If we stopped all our emissions today, it will not make a blind bit of difference as nature will still go on putting up 97% of all carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

To blame mankind’s 12ppm of CO2 for any warming or climate change effect is nonsensical.  The Climate Alarmists insult our intelligence in trying to have us believe otherwise.

The globalists and their useful idiots, using senseless fear to advance their global dictatorship agenda… The climate hoax didn’t work so they created the COVID SCAM . Morons fell for this hoax, so they now think they can push again their ‘green’ communist plans.

After hundreds of billions of dollars expenditure, there is still no empirical validated evidence of human-induced global warming and the forecasts have not followed the pre-ordained catastrophist script.

Global Warming evolved into Climate Change, when temperatures flatten off after 1998. Then when the Climate catastrophists could not win over public opinion, they changed the mantra to extreme weather.

Now that their magic bullet misfired they insist that extreme weather events are our fault and that angry Nature is punishing us for using the fossil fuel that gave us all our high standard of living and the greatest advances in civilisation ever.

So the tower graph below shows clearly the large amount of CO2 put up by Nature and the small amount by mankind.

Past climate changes, ice sheets changes, and catastrophes are written in stone. Planet Earth is dynamic. It is continually changing and evolving and always will. Changes are often abrupt, like within years and not decades or centuries as first thought.

Climate changes are both random and cyclical and are driven by the Earth’s position in the galaxy, the Sun, the wobbles in the Earth’s orbit, Ocean currents,(like the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation),  Cosmic rays, Volcanos, Water Vapour, Cloud Cover, the Moon, El Nino and La Nina Oscillations, Ice, Dust, Plate tectonics, the 100,000 year ice age, the 12-15,000 year interglacial, the Bond events, the Heinrich events, and the Dansgaard-Oeschger Cycles, which are a wide-reaching abrupt climate change.

So let’s face the next reality – Climate change is unstoppable, yes, absolutely unstoppable by any human intervention.

Life on Earth is always changing and adapting.

Currently we are in an interglacial period, a warming phase between glacial periods, and it is not surprising the temperature has risen as it is only 170 years since we came out of the ‘Little Ice Age’.

During this period the Thames River frequently froze over and Londoners had “Frost Fairs” on the river.

The last time this happened was 1820. Then warming slowly began and by 1850 the Little Ice Age was deemed to be at an end.

The total World temperature from 1850 to 2020 has risen just 0.8°C. An amazingly stable situation.

The green lobby want the US Govt to spend $1.2 Trillion to prevent a temperature rise of just 1.5ºC in the next 30 years, – How in reality, can that be justified, when there is no proof, that mankind is the problem or even CO2 for that matter.

As well as Climate always changing. Sea levels have always changed. Continents have shifted their position and the Earth’s magnetic polarity has flipped several times. Extinctions of life are normal. But the changes we observe today are LESS than those of the past.

Remember that all the predictions by Climate Scientists on future climate change, are based on Computer Modelling, nothing more, and the data feed into them is often unreliable, has been distorted or collected in prejudiced environments, and there is evidence of outright falsification of data so their results are spurious and highly suspect.

1998 has been the warmest year on Earth since 1934 (the hottest year of the 20th century) and for the last 22 years the temperature has levelled off with some years warmer and others colder.– NONE of the Climate Scientists predicted this and not one of the computer models got it right.

Computer predictions cannot accurately predict a decade in advance let alone 50 or 100 years ahead. (The elephant cartoon below was published in 2016 – re the 17 years).

The media regularly show photographs of “smoke” stacks puffing out supposed polluting emissions of CO2. However (as shown below) it is steam – water vapour.

CO2 is a tasteless, odourless, colourless gas, “you can’t see it”.

Geologic evidence tells us that levels of CO2 in the atmosphere have been far higher than they are now.

Five Hundred million years ago CO2 levels were around 7000ppmv. They have fluctuated and steadily declined ever since.  In the last 500 million years, only once have CO2 levels been as low as they are now. 

With high CO2 levels, there was no runaway green-house catastrophe or acid oceans, there was no global burn out, disintegration of the Earth, or end of the World scenario;  but plants did grow, forests grew and life flourished.

Atmospheric CO2 is a weak greenhouse gas and is only capable of trapping a narrow band of infra-red radiation, and the efficiency of the CO2 trap is essentially insensitive to the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

So there is no green-house sheathing of CO2 around the Earth, and heat is lost into space all the time particularly in the Northern Pacific where scientists, Denis Avery and Fred Singer have found a ‘vent hole in the atmosphere’ continually releasing vast amounts of energy into space.

Early life thrived in a CO2 rich atmosphere. The incredibly vast Bacteria Kingdom rule the World and, together with water, are a key driver of the carbon cycle.

Over the last 85 years there has been a slight increase in CO2 levels from 325ppm to 400ppm, WHY? Because we now know from Ice core studies that when the Earth’s temperature rises, A rise in CO2 levels follow, it is not the other way round

This rise has seen increased crop and grain yields, huge advances in civilisation and life on Earth has never been so good for the human species.

We ought to be very thankful that the trend has not gone the other way, for we have been skating close to the wind – if CO2 levels dropped to 200ppm or below it is predicted that plants will not grow and life on Earth as we know it will perish.

Alternatively trials with plants have shown that the optimal CO2 concentration for photosynthesis is around 800ppm.

We have looked at where CO2 sits in relation to other greenhouse gases, now I want to show where it sits against all gases in the atmosphere.

The tiny “DOT” in the red circle in the lower right hand corner represents the entire amount of CO2 in the atmosphere – both Natural emissions and the small human emissions.

Methane (CH4) is another greenhouse gas that the politicians and scientists like to bander about. It is produced in Nature and by mankind. Natural emissions come from wetland swamps, peat bogs, the Oceans, and marshes. Also from Termites, Ruminants, Forest fires, plants, and ice trapped permafrost. 

In the oceans methane is produced from seafloor hydrates. Emissions by mankind come from livestock, organic matter decay, biomass burning, paddy fields, and fossil fuel emissions.

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas that very quickly oxidises in air to H2O and CO2. Its content in the atmosphere is so small compared with CO2 that it is measured in parts per ‘Billion’, and once it oxidises it ceases to be a potent greenhouse gas.

It is rapidly broken down by its chemical action with (Hydroxyl radicle), Hydroxide ion (OH`). The breakdown of methane is by two mechanisms – shown below:

• CH4 + OH` = CH3 + H2O(water)
• CH4 + 2O2 = CO2 + 2H2O

Blaming our dairy herds for belching “volumes” of methane into atmosphere is a misnomer.

The effect of this small amount and its rapid breakdown in the atmosphere make it so insignificant that it can be entirely disregarded specially when compared with the amount from the Oceans.


What other mechanisms influence climate?

At this point we pay tribute to a gentleman who made a substantial contribution to our knowledge of climate. Milutin Milankovitch a Serbian engineer and mathematician.

He identified three aspects of the Earth’s Orbit, each of which have an impact on global climate.

A 100,000 year cycle due to the fact that the Earth’s orbit around the Sun is not circular but elliptical and irregular, taking us further away from the sun in some orbits and closer in others.

And a 22,000 year cycle arising from the way the Earth wobbles on its spin axis.

A 41,000 year cycle caused by shifts in the tilt of the Earth’s spin axis. These vagaries in the Earth’s orbit are now known as the Milankovitch Cycles.

There is also the known Solar Cycles of 11years, the Magnetic of 22, The Wheeler of 172, The Suess of 210 years duration, where the sun goes through quiet periods with no sun-spot activity to active periods with multiple sun-spot and magnetic activity.  These periods of greater and lesser intensity have a profound effect on our climate.

These changes in Solar energy also have an effect on Cosmic Radiation. The Earth receives a veritable flux of galactic cosmic rays causing cloud formation. An energetic Sun blasts away cosmic radiation, there is less low-level cloud, and the planet reflects less energy back into space and the surface of the Earth warms. A weak Sun allows cosmic radiation to form low-level clouds which reflect energy back into space and the surface of Earth cools.

Clouds are in effect the engine of climate. Clouds reflect some 60% of the Suns radiation. It is estimated that an increase of 2-3% in the Earth’s cloud cover would send us into the next ice age. A change of just 1% in cloudiness of the Planet would account for all of the 20th and 21st Century warming.

However, unbelievably the Climate Scientists computer models do not factor in clouds.

More recent data shows there has been a significant increase in the intensity of Cosmic Rays reaching Earth as the sun becomes quiescent.

This sun photo was taken by Noeline Lownes in 2016, showing a very quiescent sun, with no sunspot activity, similar to what we saw during the depth of the Little Ice Age Maunder Minimum.(1645-1710)

Another factor that has a significant effect on our climate is the Great Ocean Conveyor Belt.

The Oceans are not still bodies of water.

The World’s oceans are in constant motion both from winds that generate waves and currents and from the pull of gravity that creates tides.

The conveyor belt transfers warm water from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic as a shallow current and returns cold water from the Atlantic to the Pacific as a deep current. By the time the warm surface current reaches the Mid-Atlantic it turns into the well known Gulf  Stream. As it reaches Europe evaporation occurs releasing heat to the atmosphere and the ocean water cools.

As the water becomes colder, it increases in salinity and becomes dense, sinking thousands of meters below the surface. The heat released moderates the weather of Western Europe and it enjoys temperatures around 20 degrees warmer than Manitoba in Canada which is on the same latitude.

Should climatic events occur that shut down the Gulf Stream, then colder flowing Arctic water released from melting ice sheets would seriously impact Europe’s weather.  In 2005 British researches noticed the net flow of the Gulf Stream had decreased by 30% since 1957.

A sure sign of the Stream’s reduction and a change in the North Atlantic Oscillation.

Another factor affecting the climate is volcanic action.

A Volcano in one single eruption can spew more CO2 into the atmosphere than Man puts up in 20 years, yet the Natural World deals with it and corrects the imbalance.

Some will remember the volcanic eruption of Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines in 1991. It spewed out more CO2 into the atmosphere than the entire human race has emitted in all its years on Earth!!! 

It is also believed that the mighty eruption of Krakatoa (1883) put up a similar amount. Along with CO2, volcanos spew out huge amounts of volcanic ash and dust which circulate around the Globe and block the suns energy thus reducing the Earth’s temperature. Some North Canterbury farmers remember Pinatubo well for the heavy snows of the 1992 winter. Closer to home the Ruapehu eruption in 1995 delivered a significant amount of CO2 to the atmosphere.

In 1988 the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environmental Programme established ‘The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’ commonly known as the IPCC.

Over the last 29 years the IPCC has given a number of Assessment Reports – Each has been a voluminous document in technical language and colourful baffling graphs.

Data manipulation in this field was done by Michael Mann, Raymond Bradley and Malcolm Hughes.

In 1998 Mann published his alarming work to shock the World’s governments into action. This lead to various global summits on climate change and the formation of the Kyoto Protocol, the Copenhagen Accord, the Paris Agreement, and currently the Glasgow COP26.

Work by two Canadians, Steve McIntyre and Ross McKitrick, showed the fraud in Mann’s work.

The first graph shows Michael Mann’s famous hockey stick graph to highlight the supposed hike in temperatures since 1000AD  – In doing so he completely obliterated the Medieval Warming Period to show that the late twentieth century warming was unprecedented.

The second graph shows the correct data with the Medieval Warming Period being 1.5 – 2.5 degrees warmer than now.

This fraud highlighted the extremes these alarmists would go to in falsifying data, and the IPCC are still smarting over it and rightly so – it was a deliberate attempt to mislead the public and more particularly politicians.

Unfortunately it did have some impact and raised the question that we should know more about what is going on in our atmosphere. Now the scientists have a golden goose, and requests for funding have diverted staggering amounts of public funds into the so-called ‘science of Climate Change’.

Strange how the “solutions” proposed to solve their invented ‘climate change’ problem’ resemble the solutions imposed by communist mass murderers like Lenin… Even stranger are the people behind the “green” hoax: mostly marxists, leftists, socialists, communists… GREEN OUTSIDE, RED INSIDE.

Since the inception of the Kyoto Protocol some 30 Billion dollars has been spent to avert a speculated 0.5°C temperature rise by 2050. So far this has not made a scrap of difference to our climate.

One of the key assertions in Global Warming claims; Is that man has caused CO2 to increase by approx. 35% over the last 150 years. This assertion is a nonsense.

  • The huge release of CO2 from the cooling of molten rocks in the Chilean and Icelandic Volcanos of 2010 & 2011 is completely unmeasured.
  • The release of CO2 from bacteria in the first four kilometres of the Earth’s crust is unknown,
  • the release of CO2 from the uplift of mountain ranges, such as the Karakorams, is unknown,
  • and the release of CO2 from submarine volcanos is entirely unknown.

Remember that over 85% of the Earth’s active  volcanos are in the Oceans and none of the CO2 released from them is factored into the Computer Models run by the IPCC.

It has been known for hundreds of years that Nature holds many secrets, and no-one has suggested that we have found them all, quite the contrary.

For instance we know what happens in El Nino events but we don’t know what causes them. Nor do we know why the Earth’s glacial-interglacial cycles changed from 41,000 to 100,000 years?

With Climate Change there is only two certainties,

  • One, the World’s Climate will change. 
  • The second, The Earth will go into another ice-age. 

Some scientists consider we are already going there; Climatologist Dr Richard Keen, University of Colorado, Earth has cooled since 1998 in defiance of the predictions of the IPCC, the global temperature for 2007 was the coldest in a decade and the coldest of the century so far.”  Dr David Gee, Professor of Geology at Uppsala University, Sweden has said “For how many years must the Sun’s intensity cool before we begin to understand that the Planet is heading into a cooling phase.”

The wild swings we are getting between colder winters and hotter summers is clear evidence of an erratic changing climate.

Each time there is a climatic disaster, the media and environmental bodies jump on the band wagon and claim it is a result of Human induced Global Warming. We are all blamed for it and the scientists and politicians say we must take steps to stop it and declare things like Climate Emergencies.

There is simply no evidence to link carbon dioxide with these climate events. It is Scare Mongering at its worst. – Remember that as the Earth cools, we experience far greater Climatic volatility & storm frequency than in any warming period. There is plenty of evidence for this as was witnessed in the late fourteenth Century when we went into the Little Ice Age. Just 670 years ago.

The sun is currently taking us into the next minimum period as we see from the Sun Cycle Chart:

On top of this, the release of recent Southern Hemisphere evidence confirms this new direction. Kenneth Richard’s announcement “That a New Study Finds East & West Antarctica have PROFOUNDLY COOLED since 1979. From 1979 – 2018 East Antarctica cooled by Minus 2.8ºC and West Antarctica cooled by Minus 1.68ºC”.  The fact that Antarctica’s temperature has dropped so much, in such a relatively short time is telling us where the Earth’s climate is going and how quickly. The only area to show a slight warming is the Antarctic Peninsula close to South America.

The South Pole this winter (2021) had its lowest temperatures ever. The temperature averaged Minus -61°C, with a lowest reading in the -70°C. the lowest temperature recorded in the World is -89°C at the Russian Station, Vostok, in the Antarctic, in 1983.

So what other changes are we seeing – Currently the Antarctic Ice cap is growing. Over the last 4 years it grew to the tune of 45 Billion tons of ice and snow each year.

This is measured by the European Satellite that orbits the Earth, Pole to Pole. The Southern Ocean sea ice cover has grown by 9-10% over the last two decades and last winter extended over a 1000 miles out, more than doubling the size of the Antarctic Continent. In so doing massive amounts of solar energy were reflected by the ice back into space, reducing the warming of the Southern Ocean.

The break off of glaciers and ice shelves from the continent is a normal process with variations from year to year depending on the build up of ice and snow.  So in the next few years it is going to be reasonable for us to see more icebergs breaking off the Antarctic Continent.

We have also seen the fluctuating position of the Antarctic Convergence bringing colder water and icebergs further north.

What does all this mean – in essence it is too early for any definitive prediction to be accurate – but the data we have so far confirms the new Minimum.

BUT these secrets of Nature, that I have already mentioned, guarantee that computer models of the Climate Scientists will NOT be correct.

Global warming adherents such as James Hansen, who has cooked the books, and Al Gore* tell us the science is settled. Scientific Knowledge is doubling every seven years and it is impossible for anything to be settled.

Comment: *Al Gore: one of the servile infiltrated agent of the WEF, who was taking his orders in Davos in May with other traitors like john Kerry.

The IPCC is a dinosaur and like the dinosaurs it needs to become extinct, so that real scientists and policy makers can do a better job.

Political reaction to human-induced global warming based on incomplete science can only be extraordinarily costly, will distort energy policy as its already done with un-necessary Carbon Taxes, and will make the poor even poorer. 

Most of the scientists know they are on a gravy train and they are not about to let it go. For they have distorted data and fabricated results to suit their predictions.

One of the worst examples is the famous Climate Gate scandal, where the hacked release of emails and information from the Climate Research Unit at the University of East Anglia in England, showed the astounding corruption and manipulation of climate data.

We should also be weary of those “Political Saviours” who unbelievably, do not understand the science of climate change but claim to know how to fix it, – by a raft of restrictions and laws reducing our freedoms and way of life. – simply they don’t.


So to argue that human emissions of CO2  are causing global warming requires all the known mechanisms of Natural Global Warming to be ignored and summarily dismissed.

In essence if you truly believe that mankind is driving climate change and that we can somehow stop it; Then you need to be in therapy or taking stronger medicine.

To argue that we humans can change climate change, by focussing on CO2 is naïve in the extreme. In fact it is utterly arrogant of insignificant mankind to think we can stop climate change against the gigantically powerful forces of nature.

So, even after what I have said – if you still believe governments can change climate. Let me say this: When governments can change the galactic path of the sun, the amount of solar energy from the sun, the cycles of the Earth’s orbit, the influence of cosmic rays, the behaviour of bacteria and plate tectonics, shut down volcanos, then, and only then, should you believe governments can change climate.

So let’s not forget that the real problems of true air, sea and terrestrial pollution. They cannot be ignored and should be addressed. We need to care and nurture our Capital Resources both Marine and Terrestrial for the future of mankind.

But in the case of the Non Problem of Human induced climate change through CO2 we need to have the courage to very thoughtfully do nothing, but learn to adapt to the Natural Processes that drive climate change as man has done for thousands of years, and we must do again.

The World now has an unprecedented population level of 8 Billion (allegedly), so any natural disaster will have greater impact on mankind with greater losses and destruction than ever before.

Unfortunately right now we are woefully attacking it down the wrong path. The direction we need, is to accept that the climate will change, and work to prepare for these changes as they occur. For example in New Orleans, USA, instead of curbing emissions they need to build better dykes or Levies. We need to upskill and equip our rescue services, our fire services, our air rescue and medical services, our disaster relief and humanitarian services. 

Remember there has never been a century where we haven’t had natural disasters: – floods, snow storms, fires, earthquakes, droughts, Tornados, Hurricanes, and the like. The history books are full of them.

In science it does not matter who you are, or the strength of your position, or the ingenuity of your scientific experiments; if your basic hypothesis is wrong then it will all be for naught

The current science of Climate Change is the best funded, politically-driven, pseudo-scientific scam, in history and represents far more of a threat to the World in terms of lost freedoms, economic collapse, corrupted education, stunted progress, and a sure way of making the poor even poorer.

It is ludicrous that so many of the climate scientists should still be trying to manipulate data to validate a flawed hypothesis – but it’s amazing what the power of monetary gain will induce.

That’s right turn the graph upside down and you have the perfect result.

As the prolific writer Melanie Phillips sums up:

“All around us, the cultural and political institutions of the west are repudiating reason and evidence, in the service of numerous ideologies which permit no challenge whatever to their driving idea and its control over peoples’ lives. Our supposed age of reason is based on science. To understand how reason is currently being destroyed, look no further than the astounding terrible corruption of science by the politicised ideology of anthropogenic global warming.” 

Melanie Phillips

After the scandal of Climate Gate, the East Anglia Climate Research Unit (England) was so embarrassed there was a scramble to cover up their work and wipe out emails.

This Global warming hysteria will eventually subside, like so many earlier “End of the World” scenarios that never materialised, leaving a strange legacy for our future generations to ponder.

Concluding comment: The volcanic eruption in Tonga was massive.

The eruption of the Tongan volcano in the Pacific on Friday the 14th January was likely the biggest recorded anywhere on the planet in more than 30 years, according to expert volcanologist, Shane Cronin.

The emissions are in the order of over 3.2 million tons of CO2 in the 10 days since the eruption began. This equates to over 116.0 million tons per annum if emissions continue at the same level.

This by way of comparison is more than NZ has ever put up. This level totally makes farcical any measures by NZ to attempt control or reduction of emissions.

In fact it highlights that it is Nature and Natural Processes that control climate, not Mankind. 

For our stupidity in thinking we can stop or alter climate change, it poses the interesting thought that if Nature had a face it would be laughing at us right now!!!


If things are to change, one must realize the extent to which the foundation of tyranny lies in the vast networks of corrupted people with an interest in maintaining tyranny.

Etienne de la Boetie – Discourse of Voluntary Servitude




Freedom, Dignity, Integrity, Humanity, a bright future for our kids, everything that makes living worthwhile

We fight for freedom and against tyranny which is upon us since almost two years now on a scale never seen in Human history.

“And what country can preserve its liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?

Let them take arms. (…)

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure.”

– Thomas Jefferson’s letter to William Stephens Smith, the son-in-law of John Adams (1787).

For too long, only patriots blood has been spent, it is high time for the tyrants to bleed!

The nightmare deepens, the globalist vermin is using the same technique they use for all their false flags and manufactured crisis: the lock-step scenario.

Last year it was lockdowns, muzzles, small business closures and destructions.

Today it’s forced injections, children mass murder and enslavement, neo-Nazi ‘paSSports’ and contrived ‘hyperinflation’ (we will delve into that later).

Next it will be property and asset seizures, cash removal, massive destitution and poverty, concentration camps, and communist Chinese style social (& climate) credit systems like this:

Full scale Human beings enslavement and reduction to the status of commodities (slaves) with barcodes (qr code) ready to be shelved, sold and disposed of like merchandises.

If it’s the world you want for your kids, we will fight you and you will find us in your way. If not, then it’s time to get up and fight!


The lock-step technique – Many people seem not to see the big picture but it goes like this:

  • Almost simultaneously,  in many countries a tyrannical ‘measure’ is forced on populations, always for their ‘safety’ or for the ‘greater good’.
  • Let’s say lockdowns

People protest, then cool down and as many credulous, cowards, ignorant, useful idiots and collaborators comply, they move to the next step of the enslavement agenda.

This is the time the globalist vermin assume that because there is an appearance of compliance, this particular step is ‘locked’, so they can move to the next one:

(This was a key step and at the time they did it, in August 2020 for most countries, they didn’t know it would work and if People had stood and refused to comply, all their plans would have crumbled, but most people are cowards easily frightened by a ‘fine’ as it is the very low price they attach to their freedom, rights and dignity.)

The same happens, some People fight it for a while, then credulous, cowards, ignorant, useful idiots and collaborators comply, so they move to the next step of the enslavement agenda:

(Injections with untested, deadly and fraudulent products posing as ‘vaccines’). And the same process is repeated until the next step:

The fact that it is done simultaneously in multiple countries shows a coordinated and planned programme that still seems to escape many (maybe because they have been brainwashed, terrorized and tortured into compliance for 20 months now, so they are not able to think correctly and would do anything for the beating to stop or because they are extremely credulous, blissfully ignorant or simply don’t care as long as they enjoy relative comfort).

Then, there is a pause from the torture from time to time to let the victim breathe (but not enough to let him think he’s free again) and the agression starts again, removing one freedom after the other, violating one rigfht after the other.

It’s Pavlov training by ‘social engineers’, they go along shortening the dog’s leash a little bit everyday so the dog (almost) doesn’t realize they are doing so, until one day the dog wakes-up and has no lenght left on its leash.

But as these psychopaths are also megalomaniacs, they want to let us know that they are doing exactly that while peddling the grossest lies in our faces, adding insult to injury.

It has various effects, it makes normal people irate with a strong desire for revenge (for those who know), makes some feel helpless and powerless and demoralizes others, so that People mistakenly think that fighting back is pointless and submission is the prefered outcome.

In the Art of War from Sun Zu, one strategic advice is to defeat your enemy by making him believe that resistance is futile and convince him to surrender without even trying to fight you. This is what they have done since spring 2020 and the fact that communist China is one of the main culprit behind the fake pandemic (coup-19) is not a surprise.

Of course this strategy works only if your enemy is unaware of the technique. But People know, even those who pretend to believe the lies as it allows them to sleep at night know that, after two years, this ‘pandemic’ is just BULLSHIT for a more sinister agenda.

Which incidently is described on the US gov. WEF and UN websites as ‘build back better‘, ‘the great reset‘ and ‘agenda 2030‘.

They seek fake consent (forced consent is tyranny not consent) as they impose top down tyrannical rules then ‘order’ us to abide by it. The thing is, they don’t hide anymore their plan for a global dictatorship called NWO or ‘world governance’. Their arrogance will be their downfall.


Exactly for that, to stop the sick agenda of these psychopaths who are losing power since decades as the truth about them emerges a bit more every day.

This so-called ‘elite’ is just a bunch of sickos who are so deranged and filthy rich that they think they can control nature and play Gods… Mad people always want to be masters of the world. They normally fill asylums, but in a world gone crazy and so corrupt, they fill the screens of lying media.

So, remember, don’t ever comply with any of their sick demands,

don’t wear face diapers, muzzles,

don’t isolate, don’t distance,

pay cash,

don’t get your brain/blood barrier be destroyed by barbaric PCR ‘test‘,

don’t get injected with their DNA altering poison

and don’t ever submit to QR codes or neo-Nazi ‘paSSports.’

There are alternatives, solutions and yes, we are powerful, smart and capable of much better than these parasites.

We will fight until we remove their parasitic grips on OUR Planet.

Scumbag list here – The climate HOAX clique:

More scum, corporate scum behind the “digital ID” enslavement agenda:

An interesting report as the fake “vaccines” are harming and killing millions notably with Myocarditis (heart inflamation) targeting more specifically the young and many high level athletes.

Millions of people are fighting their sick projects of world domination. Actually, every week more countries and more People join the Resistance and wake-up.

And this week was no exception.

Starting with


with this announcement: #SOSfromAustralia

Australians are being assaulted daily. New legislation has been proposed in Victoria that would give its leader ULTIMATE POWER to imprison political dissenters and even force medical testing and procedures. Elections could be suspended. The country is in distress, and we need your help.


On December 4th 2021 at 12pm midday, we call for an international ‘SOS from Australia’ event.
We call upon politicians, international leaders and all concerned citizens to respond to our SOS.

Want to support us? This is what Australia is asking of you;

  1. Make a public declaration on your own platforms, using your own letterhead or design, declaring that you support this event and our country’s fight for freedom. On the website, you will see our media release, feel free to use any part of that in your announcement. Reach out to us for design help [email protected]
  2. Familiarise yourself with the requests we are making to our government and if you support them, please include that in your announcement.
  3. If you are a Member of Parliament and support the idea of giving a certain number of Australians asylum, please include that in your announcement.
  4. If you are a country leader and have the power to give a certain number of Australians asylum, please include that in your announcement.
  5. If you are an influencer or run a media show or platform, please help promote this event. Monica will be available for interviews at your request. Please email us at [email protected]
  6. If you are someone who wants to participate in this event in your country, please download and share our social media tiles. You can also print and distribute flyers, they are available on this page. In our media release, we have ideas for signage on the day.
  7. Please use #SOSfromAustralia on your posts

Declaration of Solidarity

These are our requests to the Australian Government;

  • No more lockdowns
  • No mandatory vaccinations or medical procedures
  • No fines for businesses or individuals for “COVID safe” measures 
  • Open reasonable options for International Travel

If the above requests are not honoured, we hope some countries can offer these solutions to Australians who no longer feel safe here.  

  • Expedite the safe return of your citizens who want to leave Australia. 
  • Extend an offer of asylum to a certain number of Australians.



Here are email adresses and contact form to pledge your support for Australians and LEAVE YOUR COMMENTS TO those responsible:

Contact Australian PM, Morrison (contact form)

Contact Victoria scumbag, daniel andrews, better known as kim jong dan:


And Brad hazzard (rimes with bastard too) who definitely deserves his surname: brad.hazzardMP@aph.gov.au

MASSIVE Melbourne Australia Protest Against Mandates, Segregation & Terribly EVIL Proposed Bill


Melbourne and Perth


Contrary to what the mainstream media WHORES would like people to believe, Italians are not giving-up and were in massive numbers again this week fighting globalist bankster parasite draghi and his fascist regime.

Verona and Milano a Human tide against the neo-Nazi ‘paSSport‘ and the globalist agenda

Napoli, the protests continue until the bitter end. Globalists controlled thugs in uniform attack the People who exert pressure in front of government buildings.  Human tide in Assisi against the neo-Nazi ‘paSSport‘ and draghi’s fascist regime.

Trieste, globalist controlled scum in uniform attack The People  and another Human Tide in Torino. Italy is rising and the tide will not come down!

Trieste AGAIN – People LiKe Us Never Give Up.

And you can throw whatever you want at us, we will fight you until your defeat!

Italy, protests don’t stop, all week Port workers and citizens fight the NEO-NAZI paSS. On the right, students in front of Pisa university joining the fight.

Trieste Calls, Padova Answers in the fight against fascism, tyranny and the globalist coup

The general revolt has extended to Turin and Venice


17th week of demonstrations, protests,  blockade, strikes, actions against the most hated politician of all times. Millions of people are fighting since months against the coup d’état and tyranny in hundreds of French cities, towns and villages.

A map of the four demonstrations that took place on Saturday the 6th of November in Paris

And again, for the 17rth consecutive week, a massive attendance at one of the 4 Parisian demos.

“Truth shout the huge crowd! Let’s drain the swamp of corruption and conflicts of interests. Let’s fire them all!”

 Globalist whore macron’s Gestapo in what was once a free country attacking mothers protesting against children forced injections.

On the right Farmers are now blocking infrastructures and roads in many French departments to protests against the globalist manufactured hyperinflation assault on People, petrol, gas, raw material and fertilizer prices are exploding. Blockades, strikes and occupations work. Boycotts, sabotage and retaliation too!

This is what mass murderers and criminals against Humanity pfizer have done to Flroian Dagoury a French world record holder of breath-hold free diving.  Why on earth would a healthy young athlete decide to get injected with this shit?

On the right protests continue in Paris, no less than 4 this week end in the former capital of an once proud country, now a communist shithole.  We do not like demonstrations which are led by globalist controlled thugs in uniform. Why are protesters putting up with that? Demonstrators should go wherever they please, where it bothers the regime the most not follow these goons.

Lock-step scenario 101: rothschild whore macron has extended the neo-Nazi paSS until the 31st of July 2021 (because he wants to rig the elections that will end in late June by doing like the democrats did in the USA with mail-in voting, remote electronic rigged votes and barring ‘unvaccinated’ from voting). Like all other countries involved in the scam, ’emergency rules’ (aka permanent dictatoship) have also been extended. let’s be clear, even if there was a ‘pandemic’ (which there wasn’t) it is simply impossible that it would last two years. It shows only one thing:

They plan to make this permanent and those who comply are as responsible of the current tyranny as the tyrants, if not more. And it will never stop until they stop complying.

Tyrants try to impose tyrannies, it’s what they do, but it’s people’s obedience that creates tyranny.


#PFIZERGATE, the fraud committed by scumbag albert bourla albert.bourla@pfizer.com and its evil firm: initial ‘safety’ reports of the fake ‘vaccines’ were rigged and now the world knows about it. Protest in front of the mockery of national assembly in France.

On the right Martinique People are still fighting the forced injection agenda and denounce vermin marxist teachers and national schools who try to change the programmes to include ‘vaccination’ propaganda. Time to home School!

Montpellier where massive demos are taking place every single week and La Roche-sur-Foron, a town in the French Alpine regions where a ‘mayors congress’ took place with the presence of macron’s puppet regime ‘prime minister’ which explains the thousands of demonstrators who came to show this criminal that the country does not consent to globalist tyranny.

Montpellier again with a huge demonstration for the 17th consecutive week. And Chambery in the Alps, the resistance is demonstrating in front of one of the local mainstream media fake news outlet, ‘the dauphine”.

La Roche sur Foron (Alps) and Pau (Pyrenees mountains) where protesters are scolding local globalist whore François bayrou, one of the most corrupt and incompetent politician in France.

And a good one from NO TAX COIN @notaxcoin

There is a microbe virus that reforms and rob circa 67 million people every day in France.  It’s the virus of the 1% and an antidote exists, it’s the #YellowVests!

Yellow Vest are back for #YellowVestsSeason2 #GiletsJaunesSaison2, actions include strikes, infrastructure blockades, road blocks, roundabouts occupations, free highway toll operations, demonstrations and more to come….  

On the left, it reads: It reads: “Hey macron, lockdown or not we are going to come to wish you a happy birthday for the 3 years of the #YellowVestsSeason2.”

The Zapatistas from Chiapas visit the Yellow Vests who are blockading a road in the south of France. It reads: “Connections are created  because the struggle against mercantile imperialism that destroy people is global” (another way to call the globalist scum). On the right, blockading a roundabout.

Yellow Vests blockading roads in Etampes (Paris region), acclaimed by drivers and camping on a roundabout in Bethune (north)

Coming-up: AND A CALL FOR THE 20TH OF NOVEMBER. Call for general mobilization of the people (normally this general mobilization call is reserved for wars).

NATIONAL BLOCKADE! 20th of november. With a link to  their telegram account: T.ME/BLOCAGE20NOVEMBRE


The Swiss are fighting back their corrupt federal puppet government, every week since they tried to impose the EUSSR neo-Nazi ‘paSSports’.

They will vote on the 28th of November to see whether or not they extend the abnormal power given to their criminal government.

Fribourg was rising this week, after Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Zurich, Baden and other cities.

Swiss organization and discipline in Fribourg’s protest.

It reminds us that we need to build our own armies, our own police forces, our on tribunals where the criminals behind the covid coup will be judged and our own gallows  where they will be hanged, broadcasted by our own media worldwide.



The Netherlands was the big surprise this week with gigantic demonstrations against the fascist ‘paSS’.

Australia Called, The Netherlands Answered!

Massive protests against tyranny, the enslavement agenda and neo-Nazi ‘paSSports’, the attempt at mass murdering children from the age of 5 and pederast globalist puppet rutte’s regime.

A human tide against the globalist vermin in The Hague

Dank Viel Nederland for your resistance!


Germany joined the global revolt this week with Leipzig and Berlin rise against the neo-Nazi/Bolshevik (aka globalist) dictatorship.

Unfortunately they let the neo-Nazi thugs in uniform encircle them. and fell into a trap.

Stasi/Nazi/SS vermin attacking peaceful protesters (mainly families). These pigs deserve to be shot without trial!

The globalist lackeys kind feel very strong attacking isolated old men and women in gangs. How long will these pigs last against real men?

Only 76 years and many Germans who have lived the war period are still alive (one of the biggest elderly population in the world with Japan), how can they believe one second in this BS ‘pandemic’ and not see the exact same thing happening as it happened in the 1930’s? Have Germans a talent for obliviousness and bad faith?


The British stand  with Australians against their fascist regime of globalist whores like kim jong dan, the Victoria deep shit, daniel.andrews@parliament.vic.gov.au   daniel.andrews@vic.gov.au and in support of Canadians against their fascist regime of globalist slut justina trudeau justin.trudeau@parl.gc.ca.

https://twitter.com/i/status/1456227792371208192 and https://twitter.com/i/status/1455861080484454406
A lot of yellow buffoons were there to protect their slave masters, the globalists who control bojo the clown’s regime.

Rotten to the core ‘MPs’ extend ’emergency powers’ like in every other country behind the coup (lock-step scenario of the global coordinated coup) and they don’t even bother to hide their scorn and laugh at Brits faces.

CORRUPT WHORE LAUGHING AT US. Laugh whore and we will see how much you smile when face to face with your real master, The People! On the right speech against vermin like the criminal MPs on the left. On the panel we can read: “governments are full of liars and corruption. THE GREAT AWAKENING

London rise in anticipation against neo-Nazi paSSports which globalist whore bojo the clown is set to impose, because his masters say so. Go on Bojo, join the fascist club of assholes, we need more warriors to fight your masters!


Flanders and Wallonia united for Freedom in their fight against fascism, neo-Nazi paSSports and the globalist scum.  In Bruges and Liege, Huge demonstrations this week.  

Liege and Bruges, they were there en masse despite the weather…


Like every week Luxembourg fights for Freedom and against the neo-Nazi paSS.  Ireland didn’t but prepare for a demo on November 27th. It seems the trick in Ireland is to boycott place demanding the neo-Nazi paSS. It worked in Russia where the paSS lasted only 3 weeks. But like other globalist puppet whores, the local regime extended their full power (again they plan to make it permanent if we allow it).


Sweden: Huge demonstration in Stockholm against the neo-Nazi paSS and children mass murder by injections.  Globalist whores seem to have now joined the club of assholes who want to force the neo-Nazi paSs on the population. This the proof of the globally coordinated agenda and assault on Humanity.

The ultimate goal is our enslavement and depopulation. The only solution to disobey all their tantrums, to fight with everything we have, and annihilate the globalist scum so-called ‘elite’ once and for all!

Austria with a spontaneous  demo in Innsbruck.


In Barcelona, they are fighting against globalists manufactured  hyperinflation and corrupt governments as part of their lock-step scenario towards our enslavement and destruction. In Greece, firemen took to the streets against forced injections and neo-Nazis ‘paSSports.’ They were attacked by fascist thugs in uniform, the globalists brutal caste of mentally challenged slaves.


Ukraine is in the streets against the globalist assault on their rights. They wanted a ‘pro-EU’ ‘government’? They’ve got it with lockdowns, forced muzzling, forced injection of deadly untested products and cattle style neo-Nazi “paSSports”…

What did they think the EUSSR was?


Hong-Kong like Tibet ARE NOT China and in Hong Kong they fight against the communist scumbags agenda of enslavement. In Israel, the fight continues weeks after weeks without stopping.


Canada has become one of the most vicious dictatorship on earth like Australia thanks to the so-called ‘liberals’. Canadians have lost almost all their rights and freedom in the last two years and are now fighting to get them back.

Argentina joined the fight and is rising against the same globalist assault on their population. This is a global coordinated coup and there it’s never been about a virus.


Nov 4

Morocco joins the fight. Massive protests have erupted in cities all across Morocco including Casablanca, Rabat, and Marrakesh against mandatory vaccinations and “health” (death) passports. Tangier. #nogreepass #coronapas #ikdoenietmeermee #Casablanca #NoGreenPass #NonAuPassSanitaire #PassaporteSanitarioNao

Protests in Tangier Morocco where the local globalist whores try to force deadly injections and NEO-NAZI paSS on the population. On the right, HUGE protest in Casablanca.


Kiwis are waking-up in New-Zealand against their mock of a PM, jacinto the travestite and its fascist restrictions and forced injections .  Time to hang this monstruous communist garbage!


jacinto who renamed itself ‘jacinta’ gets hammered by a reporter who smashed its fuck face with the truth! Next to this bolshevik scumbag two masonic face diapered morons who have difficulties to breathe.

Remember, the devil and its creatures fear nothing more than the truth


New York, time to Face the music, demo in front of the new mayor’s office to confront him with the neo-Nazi paSS and forced injections. Chicago, demo against ‘Go Brandon’, demented pedophile (#bananajoe) and his puppet masters sick agenda.

27 states are suing usurper globalist puppet, demented pedophile joe and its puppet masters ‘mandates’. And a fed court freezes usurper #bananajoe ‘vax’ agenda. Given the level of federal corruption, we should not put too much hopes on that.

Kanye West calls People to rise-up against tyranny: “This some 1984 bro, this is mind control, this is population control – rise up man, look inside of you man!” .

Hearings of mass murderer, criminal and evil whore rochelle walensky of the Center for Death and Control, one of the evil organization rolling for big pharma against the American people. She is asked ‘what percent of CDC employees are jabbed’ and she refused to answer, because it’s obvious that none of these assholes will ever get injected with the poison they try to force on others!

South Carolina governor fighting for people’s rights. On the right Santa Barbara people are fighting against tyranny in marxist- globalist regime of California.

Gov. Henry McMaster – Nov 4

1. I will be issuing an Executive Order barring any South Carolina cabinet agency from issuing or enforcing any vaccine mandate.

2. I will requiring all state agencies to report any communication with federal government on vaccine mandates, in anticipation of litigation.

3. We have joined a lawsuit, led by the state of Georgia, against a federal contractor vaccine mandate.

Lastly, we will soon announce actions against the latest mandate on private businesses and will use every tool at our disposal to fight it.

Maga movement stands with Australians. Malibu protests against forced injections in communist shithole California.

And Denzel tells the truth about mainstream media whores:

He Called Out the Fake News Media!

“The news is a product to be sold. It’s never been about presenting a true reflection of reality, it’s merely there to bend and shape the perception of the individual. That’s the first thing you need to know about mainstream media.”

Well put… So stay healthy, close the TV.

Never give up, the future is ours, and will be as bright as how you work for it to be,

and a life without freedom is not worth living